24 Birthday

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The next day

(Tommy pov)

I felt Tubbo shakeing me.
"Wake up! We are no longer 13! We are 14 Tommy! 14!" Tubbo yelled.
"You maybe. You were born at 8. I was born at 8:30. I am not 14 yet." I got out of bed.
"The time doesn't matter. We are 14 now Tommy!" Tubbo hugged me. I giggled.
"I'll tell dad you are up!" Tubbo ran out the room.
"Dad!" I heard him shout.
That reminded me. I had a surprise for Phil.

Phil and Tubbo came in.
"Ready to see what we go you?" Phil asked.
I didn't have time to answer.
"YES! DAD COME ON!" Tubbo yelled.
"Whoa! Wait till Tommy is ready." Phil looked at me. I laughed. He rolled his eyes and pointed at Tubbo. He mouthed 'crazy' and laughed.
"Okay. I'm ready." I was holding back my laughter.
"YES!" Tubbo ran downstairs.
"Wait up!" I ran after him.
"Your slow!" He yelled.

When I got downstairs, I everyone there. Phil sat hugging Tubbo. Wilbur had his arm around Sally. The Dream Team, Ranboo, Fundy, Niki and Eret where also there. Even Sam. He smiled at me.
There was Karl, Quackity, Jack and Mega was sat next to Techno.
"Everyone is here." I said in shock.
"Happy birthday Tubbo and Tommy." Sally said.
I smiled at Tubbo. He ran and hugged me.
"Home..." he mutted.
"Yes. Home." I smiled.
"Here is you guys gift from the family." Phil handed me a red box and Tubbo a green one.
Tubbo opened his. He looked at me.
"Open it." He said.
I opened it.
A compass. It said Your Tubbo on it. It was pointing to Tubbo somehow. He pulled his out. It said Your Tommy on it, and was pointing at me.
We looked at Phil. He smiled.
"How do these work?" Tubbo asked. "It always points to Tommy."
"Magic Tubbo." Phil smiled.
I put it around my neck. Tubbo did the same.
"That is so sweet!" Sally smiled. "That is why you wanted two of my hand made chains."
"Wait? Hand made?" I asked.
"The compass' are also hand made. By Wilbur." Phil said.
Me and Tubbo looked at Wilbur. He smiled.
"Your welcome." He said.
"Thank you!" Tubbo ran and hugged him.
"Thank you bro." I smiled.
He nodded.
"This is from your friends!" Fundy and Ranboo handed us a box.
We opened it. We unfolded the flag inside. It had the L'manburg flag in it.
"The original flag. It's all yours." Dream smiled.
"Happy birthday!" Sapnap said.
"I got you each something." Sam pulled out two toys. One was a small stuffed toy bear that looked a bit like Ranboo. The other was Tom Nock.
"Little Ranboo for Tubbo and little Tom Nock for Tommy. I made them myself." Sam smiled.
We took the toys and hugged them.
"Sam Nock it looks like you!" I laughed. Sam laughed with me.
"Happy birthday boys." Techno held a cake.
It was half green half red. On the green half there was a bee and on the red half a cow. They both had a compass around their necks. The red side had a green 'T' and the green side had a Red 'T'. There was '14' in black in the middle.
"I baked and decorated it myself." Techno smiled.
"It is perfect!" Me and Tubbo smiled.


(Tubbo pov)

I had had the best day ever. We had played with our friends and me and Tommy got to pick what to do. There was a huge buffet that Techno had prepared and everyone loved. By the end of the day, only Sally, Ranboo and Sam where here. We were watching Hamilton. The movie had just finished. I snuggled up to Ranboo. He was hugging Michael.
"Thank you Dad." I said, smiling at him as he gave me a can of coke. "For everything."
"Your welcome Tubbo. I'm happy I adopted you two." Phil said.

(Tommy pov)

"I have something to say. To you Phil." I said, standing up.
"Go on." Phil smiled.
"You- well-" I sighed. "Dad. Your my dad Phil." I said.
Phil ran and hugged me.
"Thank you Tommy. That means so much." Phil smiled.
"Your my dad..." I smiled.
"Wouldn't have it any other way!" Tubbo smiled.
"Welcome to Sleepy bois inc. Our family." Wilbur smiled.
"Yeah. I thought having 3 younger brothers would be bad. If my brothers were not you 3, it would be. But I am lucky it is you three." Techno smiled.
"Aw! Techno! I am flattered!" Wilbur smiled.
"Maybe not very lucky with you molesto."
"Hey!" Wilbur laughed.
"Thank you. Me and Tubbo hated the orphanage. You saved us." I said.
"Tommy. We are home. We have brothers. We have a dad." Tubbo smiled.
"Home." Tommy smiled.
"You are now Tommy and Tubbo Minecraft." Techno smiled.

(No one pov)

Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other. They spoke in unison.
"We have a family."

Thank you so much if you got to the end! I worked really hard on this and hope you enjoyed it.

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