Meeting Them

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Since I've gotten here I have learned a few things first I'm a demon. Next is that I'm in the world of Black Butler an anime that surrounds Ciel and his life with Sebastian his butler.

I knew his name sounded familiar, Alex and another person were talking about who had the worst childhood and or life. Alex said Ciel and the other Naruto whoever that is.

I found that out by searching up Elizabeth's name and finding the anime on my phone. To gain some more knowledge, I watch some episodes before she wanted something to eat.

So now I'm her butler wearing a uniform and in another manor watching her destroy oh I mean making it more pretty.

I met the Phantomhives maid and butlers Mey-rin, Bard, Finny, and Tanaka oh and Grell. Lady Elizabeth is making everything pink.

'This is terrible, pink is an awful color and it doesn't match the color scheme of the manor'.

I sigh as she starts putting more pink on Tanaka, Grell is sad about his butler outfit.  I tap his shoulder "I think you can make the ugliest colors look fashionable".

His cheecks blush "Oh my really, I would love to wear red though". I nod and put my hand over my heart then bow.

"Well of course, now please stand" I hold out my hand and he takes it. "My oh my you are dashing".

I give a smile "I'm simply one hell of a butler" suddenly Elizabeth appears and hangs Grell in the air. "Kyro isn't it all pretty" 'No'.

Taking a look around I mentally cringe but don't show it "Yes of course my lady". She giggles and spins around.

I sense a demon approaching, I hear the door open and two gasps "M-my mansion".

The three servants run out of the room "She's crazy" Bard says 'I agree'. They come back with two new people a boy with blue hair with an eyepatch and Sebastian.

"What are you doing" Ciel asks looking at Grell dangling "I'm in the process of dying master Ciel", "Sebastian get him down".

A blur passes him "CIELLL HOW I MISSED YOU!" she glomps the boy rubbing her cheeck with his. Sebastian gets Grell down and stands beside Ciel.

"Aww you took him down", "Yes he subtracted the beauty of the room", "Aw but I made a lovely decoration out of him", "A decoration?".

She spreads her arms "My mansion" Ciel says "Oh and Tanaka". 'Oh the part I laughed on' "I also have a suprise for you too Sebastian".

She puts a pink bonnet on him, the servants laugh while I give a chuckle. Everyone seems to notice me now "Lizzie who is that" Ciel asks with a pink hue in his cheecks.

I put my hand over my heart and give a little bow "Hello my name is Kyro, and I'm lady Elizabeth's butler, pleased to meet you".

Everyone except for Elizabeth and Tanaka have a blush on their face. I make eye contact with Sebastian and send him a wink, his blush hardens.

"In any event why are you here Lizzie, auntie didn't let you come alone", "Well I snuck away silly I wanted to see you", "Don't you think you'll end up in trouble".

They go on until Sebastian and Grell stand by me "Uh Kyro who is that girl". 'I memorized this part' "She is the daughter of the Marquess of Scotney".

I close my eyes "Her full Christian name is Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford". Grell tries to say her name but fails.

"She is also my young master's betrothed" Sebastian finishes.

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