Hehehe Dogs

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'I wonder what Seb would say' right now I'm riding beside him traveling to the Queen's resort. "Hey raven", "Yes".

I put my hands on the back of my hard and lay back "Why is it that if you close one eye you see nothing, but if you close both eyes you see darkness".

He turns to me with a 'what kind of question is that' face. I shrug and enjoy the peace and quiet until it's broken.

"HOLIDAY HOLIDAY WE'RE GOING ON HOLIDAY!" I groan. "Do you hear how happy they are, such a kind young master".

I tch 'Nice my ass' "I couldn't leave them there alone, I might come home and see the manor in shambles" the kid says.

"Indeed" I close my eyes as Seb says we've reached the entrance to the village. I hear the three gasp but that turns to a scream when they see the place.

"Oh yes the resort that the Queen is planning has yet to be constructed", "Yes master" I chuckle at their response.

We keep going until funny yells and jumps out of the wagon "Let me help you granny", "Be careful Finny don't hurt the baby" Mey-rin says.

Finny lifts the carriage in the air but quickly slams it down, we all sweatdropped "Sorry!".

They look inside the carriage and see the bones of a dog. The woman walks off saying the white dog chant, we continue until we see a village.

We stroll through and Mey-rin talking about a boy, Seb talks about how dogs welcome a chain around it's neck. "To be frank I hate them".

"Woof" the kid days while I give a natural purr, Seb glances at me and smirks. The ride continues till we pull up to a castle a lady with blue/white hair comes out.

Seb stops "I pressume this is the Earl of Phantomhive" before Seb can say anything I speak up. "Nah we're the Aldini's, of course we're the Earl of Phantomhive".

She has a shocked face "Oh well" she bows "Welcome to Barrymore Castle, my master awaits your arrival". I hear Mey-rin and Bard say how pretty she is.

'She's not all that' she smiles at me, Seb stands in front of me getting the kid down. We enter the castle and into a room, 'Freak what's her name, Angela' is getting whipped.

"Who is this Chihuahua, I told you to bring me the Queen's guard dog" he keeps whipping her until the kid says move.

Seb grabs the man's hand "Aww I was enjoying that" the kid shakes his head at me. The kid then looks at the man "It seems that you have gotten my letter, I am Ciel Earl of Phantomhive".

"You mean to tell me that a toy poodle is the Queen's Guard Dog", "You don't like small breeds Henry, now that's hardly fair".

Henry and the kid sit and Angela tries to pick up a teacup but shakes while doing so. "Please miss, allow me" Seb pours the tea flawlessly.

The kid and Henry began talking about the curse "Mendax(Liar)". Seb glances to me with a finger to his lips, I shrug and block out the rest of the conversation.


Now we're getting the kid ready for bed until a knock is heard. Angela enters "Did we say you can come in, damn we could've been naked", "What do you need our young master is preparing to retire".

She bows "Sorry for the late hour, but I have a request" she pauses. "Leave the castle leave the village completely you mustn't stay here".

The kid turns to the next page in his book "Why is that", "I can't say". We hear a howl "Oh no the demon hound" a shadow of a dog is at the window.

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