The Frost Fair

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Kyro Pov

'I hate the cold' me raven and the kid are out in town "This hasn't happened since 1814 apparently" the kid says. We're here at the foot at the London bridge walking around.

We stop at a tent with a man selling, the kid points to Noah's ark and the man starts speaking "That there is one of a kind made by the Funtom toy company long ago".

"No that there is a fake the Funtom Arks are rare only three were ever made. Since our estate burned down even we no longer have one".

Raven starts talking about how the ark and this country are alike. "Is that-", "A Scotland Yard inspector has time to attend the fair, London must be very peaceful today".

Abberline says that he's on duty "Oh  well I'll leave you to earn your wages in faithful service to the Queen and country. Good day sir".

We walk away "Wait I have some questions for you-" I trip him and he falls on his face. "Don't touch him, you probably jerked off with that hand".

He gets up and glares at me but says he wants to talk to the kid somewhere. They go in Ran Ran which is Lau's place while me and Raven wait outside.

"You seem to be in a mood love" I grumble "I hate the cold" he chuckles. "Well kitten sorry to hear that" I smirk and purr in his hear.

"Maybe you could warm me up" he shudders before I can kiss him the kid comes out. "We're leaving" we follow him but Abberline is leading.

Lau comes as well as we wall to the the Undertakers shop, Abberline goes to open the door but falls through. "Idiot", "He wouldn't last in there Seba-".

We hear Undertaker laugh and the sign falls, we enter "What did you say to him", "I was just talking to him normally then he just laughed".

"You act without talent" raven narrows his eyes at Abberline. "It seems your a man to be reckoned with".

I crack my knuckles "Why don't we put you to the test hmm inspector" we tower over him until the kid slams his hands on the desk.

"Tell me more about the ring I want to know it all, the man you pulled out of the river was the last to have it".

Abberline then speaks up "You are a citizen here please give us your help in this matter". Undertaker then leads us outside to where a ice sculpture of a lady is.

"There", "Collect the ring now" some officers go to retrieve it but stop. "What do you think your doing thieves".

The Viscount Druit is here as well "That dear lady will be rewarded to the contests winner, you wouldn't want to defile her  now would you".

I seen the kid stiffen "Wasn't he arrested for human trafficking", "He was released a few days ago".

"If you want the statue win the contest" Abberline blurts out on how the ring is cursed and also how it's the lead to missing girls.

'I want to leave' it seems my feelings have created a dark arua surrounding me. The kid glances at me then raven "Win the contest Sebastian".

"Of course my lord" 'So now I can't help' Abberline looks to me but a glare makes him yelp and shudder. "Hey kid you want hot tea or something".

"Yes that would be nice" I nod then go find a tent that serves tea. I take it back to the kid and notice that there's a person with a mask entering the contest.

I give the kid the tea 'I don't remember a person with a mask in this episode'. "You have until three o'clock begin".


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