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So you know when a human gets pregnant it takes 9 months for the baby to grow right. Well for demons it's only 6 months and it was so cute seeing raven's little baby bump. He was constantly asking for blood so there's a possibility that our child is a blood demon. Being the perfect mate that I am I have been serving the kid for the past months luckily no one has tried to kidnap or kill him so easy for me.

I brought the kid tea after I left him alone to do his paperwork that he neglected. "KKKYYYRRROOO!!" I groan 'It's never quiet with those three' they come up to me a cloud of dust behind them forming from how fast they were running. They stop in front of me "Kyro Sebastian called yes he did", "Yeah said sum' bout' how it's time or sum' like that", "He sounded in pain he told us to get you".

With me and raven being so.... passionate the kid bought a nearby townhouse for our 'activities'. While he is there I'm here serving the kid, he's on temporary leave the kid explained to the servants but in reality he was pregnant. "All right I gotta go, you three be good and keep the manor in shape alright". They all salut "Yes sir!" I nod and exit the manor racing to our townhouse.

I burst through and head to where he is, I enter the room and see his darkness is all around the room. He's sitting on the bed knees up groaning in pain "Corbeau I'm here-", "You did this to me!". His fuchsia eyes glare at me his darkness surrounding him but I'm not bothered, I grab a cloth and join his side. He grabs my hand well more like crushes it, "Breathe baby-", "Don't tell me what to do you idiot!".

Well since I know I'm not wanted up with him I decide to head down to where the action is. His hole was wide puckering on air but I can swear I see something "Raven push baby". Demonic sounds leave his lips as he pushes blood splatters on me but I don't care, something protrudes from his entrance. 'Is that an egg' his head is thrown back as he pushes again, halfway out of him is a black egg "One more time baby push".

I hold out my hands carefully taking the egg into my hands as he pushes a final time. Immediately I feel warmth and slight purring from the egg, I hold it while dab raven's sweaty forehead. "You did so good baby, look" he breaths heavily but opens his arms "No...cracks...oh how cute". The egg starts purring recognizing raven as the mother, I kiss the side of his head "Your hole looks so inviting-", "Shush I have just given birth!" he yells.

With a chuckle I kiss his lips "I know calm down" our egg moves to me and I stroke the shell. "Hey sweetheart, daddy's gonna go get a human that you could eat ok" I kiss raven once more before leaving to the streets of London. I cover my face with a mask and snatch a random male off the streets into the alley "You'll do" I shrug and cover his mouth as I run back to the townhouse.

"Daddy's back!"

I drop the male who's scared shitless "W-w-what are-", "Shh it's feeding time". I grab my baby and stab the man through his heart, the egg wiggles and purring is heard. 'Yep liking the sound of humans screaming in pain, definitely a demon'. I let the egg down and it rolls to the man a long tentacle comes from it into the male sucking out it's blood and organs 'Well that's one way to eat alright'.

After it's done eating I pick him/she up "Wait are you male or female little one", "We won't know until they hatch" raven says. I smile and give the egg to him, I pick him up and carry him to the bath. "Hopefully they'll like bath time" raven gently runs his hand up and down the black shell "I have a feeling they would". When the water is ready I slip outta my clothes and do the same to raven, carrying him into the water he hisses as his butt touches the tub.

I kiss his neck holding his waist "Got any name ideas", "Their true name? I haven't the foggiest". I hum scoping some water and pouring it on the shell, "You still look sexy corbeau". He gives a dry chuckle "Of course you would say that" he leans back into my chest. "I wonder how the kid's gonna take it", "We'll just tell him the truth" I hum watching the egg roll in the water. On purpose I angle my cock near his hole, "Don't even think about it" I smile and kiss his cheeck "I wouln't dare of course".


"Dada!" I hear a cute little voice say behind me, my 2 year old son making grabby hands to me. "Yes little one" I say as I pick him up "'Ere' mama" he asks his bright red eyes stare into my own. "Working, but let's go pop in" I exit the room bouncing him up in the air. His little giggles just makes a smile on my face widen 'Adorable', we finaly make it to the kid's office. I don't knock earning a sigh from the kid "Mama!" he shouts wanting to be grabbed by raven. "Hey sweetheart" raven says taking him from me.

He smiles a real smile kissing our child's head "Hey kid" he looks up from his newspaper. "When are you and that pink creature gonna gonna have sex" his cheecks turn a bright red "W-wha-". I laugh at his face "Kyro" the stern voice of my lover said "Yes love". He sighs "Make the master's sweets and tea while I take a walk in the garden". I nod kissing his cheeck and (M/n's) cheeck watching him giggle, "Bye-bye dada!" I wave bye to him as they left the room. "So how bout' a slice of cheesecake with some tea", "Sounds good" I sigh and exit his office.

I make his sweets and bring it to him, raven walks in and I look down to see (M/n) holding his hand standing on his own feet. "That's my boy" I scoop him up and swing him around the room smiling "He wanted to walk to you", "I can't believe I missed it!". I rub our cheecks together "Congrats" the kid says eating a piece of cheesecake. "Thanks kid" I grab raven by the waist and kiss him lovingly on his lips "Do that somehwere else!". We break the kiss and I stick my tongue out "Oh please if you wnat an heir you're gonna have to do this. Matter of fact".

I sit down in front of him and cross my legs "Now Ciel it is time to teach you the birds and the bees".

Sebastian x Seme Male Where stories live. Discover now