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Kyro Pov

Currently we're trying to remove a small bucket from Pluto's head well I'm watching while Finny Bard and Mey-rin try to remove it.

"No you gotta stay still boy", "Yeah it's your fault for running!" I stare at the scene with a smirk. "What's this fuss about".

Raven says next to me "Well Plu-plu got his head stuck in a bucket...you should go get some butter". Pluto shakes them off and transforms into his wolf state, the bucket was split in two and now he's off running.

"Come back Pluto!" they ran after him while I stayed with raven, "How's the kid", "Frustrated with paperwork that he neglected to do" I chuckle at that.

I grab him by the waist and kiss him "What was that for", "Do I need a reason" we kiss again and I grabbed his ass giving it a rough squeeze.

He moaned so I took that opportunity and slipped my tongue inside, I won the futile tongue battle and explore every crease of his mouth like I've done so many times.

It wasn't long before I felt his friend poke against me and the lust rolling off of him.  "We can take this to the bedroom" he said his eyes glowing their lovely fuchsia color.

"Actually I'm hungry" I give him a quick kiss as he pouts, with a smirk I head back into the mansion leaving raven with a boner.

Sebastian Pov

'Two can play at that game' I follow after him ignoring the pleas of help from the three idiots. I enter the kitchen and see him eating a steak, I mind my business and bake a vanilla cake.

I feel his eyes watching me 'Now for the icing' after I ice the cake there's some left over. 'Perfect' I take the spoon and start licking the cream in long slow licks.

To takes things higher I release slight moans as I lick, I hear a low growl from him. Mentally smirking I continue my antics until I feel hands on my hips.

"Raven" I shiver at his tone he kisses my neck moving his pelvis 'Now to lead him on', "Excuse me, I have to being this to the young master".

I push past him smirking once I closed the door, I head to master's office and gently knock. "Enter" I do so and close the door behind me "Master I brought you cake".

He's still has that frustrated face with stacks of paper around him, I set the cake down and cut him a slice. The door opens and Kyro comes in with his shirt off his abs on display.

His hair is also wet which makes his already sexy appearance even sexier. "What is it Kyro" master says not looking up from his paperwork "I need raven for a second".

Master flings his hand to me guesting for me to leave, I give a small bow and walk to the door past Kyro. He closes the door and grabs my throat "Enough games" he growled

"Come now, surely you could play a little longer at the game you started" he clicks his tongue. "I got a fucking game for you" he kissed my neck making my eyes close and a gasp slip.

I loved when he's soft but I also love it when he's rough with me, "Kyro we're by his office". His lips trail up to my ears "Wouldn't it be hot to fuck you right here though, just imagining your face while you try and hold in your release".

My earlobe gets bitten "Is so turning me on" he grinds his hips onto mine making my whine. "Maybe I'll fuck you in the kitchen or outside where the servants would hear". His hand creeps up my stomach to my chest then back down "Open and exposed for me".

He lifts my chin with his finger "Though you do chores and such, dinner needs to be prepared shortly you wouldn't have time". He steps away leaving me wanting more of him "Such a shame, I'd love to feel your tight walls clenching around me and those moans of yours are just music that I could listen to all day".

"You're no fair" he smirks "I'm playing better" he dissapeares and I slump against the wall with a hand on my face. 'This will end soon, he'll break...or I will'.

I gather myself and check the time and see that it is time to get dinner started. With a sigh I straighten my vest and head to the kitchen, luckily Kyro isn't there because if he was I wouldn't have gotten anything done.

After the food is prepared and planted I called Kyro to retrieve the master, I stand aside as they enter. Master takes a seat while Kyro stands on the other side of him.

"Are those mashed potatoes the only thing creamy raven?" he asks via our mind link. "I shall not answer that" I respond closing my eyes trying not to imagine his touch on me.

"Playing hard to get raven, now that isn't nice", "You left me excited twice now that isn't nice either now is it". I glare at him but he bites his lip in return "Pass the gravy" master asks and I go to drizzle some on.

Once I'm done I return to my spot "Raven~" he purrs but I ignore him. "Are you ignoring me, that calls for punishment".

He walks over to me and master doesn't even seem to care, "Raven do we have any chocolate sauce or whip cream". I look to him confused, the meal didn't require any other that not even the desserts. "I believe so", "Show me, kid we'll be back".

We enter the kitchen and I show him where the chocolate sauce is "Here, why did y-". He kisses me roughly pushing me back against the wall where he picks me up by my thighs.

I moun into our much needed kiss as my hand weave through his hair slightly gripping. He unbuttons or more like tears off my vest and shirt, he goes to my neck and finds our mate mark and sucks hard making me mewl.

"P-please I need you no more games" I choke out while he twists my hardened bud. "You're getting punished and a lot more sticky" he growls in my ear sending pleasurable vibrations through me.

"Be prepared"

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