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Sebastian Pov

Master Lau Soma and I arrive at the Harold West Jeb manor "He imports a wide range from India. He also owns stores coffeehouses and alike. I've met him once he's disgustingly obsessed with his social status".

Master turns to me "Shall we have a look" I do my signature bow "Indeed". I grab him and hop up and into a open window.

Doing the same with the others we sneak around the manor until we find a room. Cracking open the door we see Agni sitting and West talking about a Royal Warrant".

"If I carry out the plan as promised then Mina-", "Where is Mina!". The prince burts through the door, master tries to go in but I put a hand over his mouth.

"West will surely recognize us my lord, we must stay back" we hear the prince yelling and commanding Agni.

"Let's grab that idiot and get out of here-ah!" pain shoots through my shoulder making me drop to one knee.

Master does as well only he is clutching his hip 'Why is his mark hurting'. After a second we stand not making noise.

With a roll of my shoulder I continue "I'll take care of it" finding a deer mask off the wall I put it on and stop Agni's hand from hitting the prince.

I stand and receive confused faces, West jumps back "A deer man what's going on here!", "Yes thank you for stating the obvious I am a deer".

I bow "I've come for the prince", "He's an enemy spy, get him!", "No I'm simply one hell of a-", "Kill him!".

Agni drops to his knees and tells the prince he's sorry, he then unleashes his right hand. I scoop the prince and dodge his attacks.

"Hey we're drawing too much attention. Grab the kid and get out of here Sebastian!", "Yes sir".

I then jump out of the window with the prince, we arrive back at the manor and into the drawing room.

'I don't sense him, where is he-' "It is a mental concentration called Samadhi, when he get's like that no one can touch him".

"Never heard of it" master says while I explain what I believe he get's in some sort of trance with his faith in his master producing his superhuman power.

I place my hand on my chest "His skills are born into something that we can never understand. The power of complete love and trust in another person".

Master looks at me while I smirk "Why do the people closest to me always leave!" the prince says.

He slides his hands on the table resulting in the tea set crashing and breaking on the floor. "Prince Soma!".

He runs out of the room "Just look at the Haviland tea set I order, it was so suited for my young master. Children, this child needs discipline".

After I'm done telling the brat that no one ever loved him master comes in and shares what his goal is.

"If there's even just a spider's thread I will grab it and never let go. I'm human I can do that much".

The prince stands there "Sebastian we need to talk about West, come", "Yes". We leave and soon after the prince comes out.

"Ciel I'm seventeen but compared to you I'm still only a child. I'm nothing more than a spoiled brat. Please let me come!".

Master puts his hand up "Don't think so, you're a naive idiot I don't want to chaperone you. Of course I'm not going to lock you in here".

The prince looked shocked but then apologizes, he then get's behind master. "Oh yeah and you too. I'm very sorry".

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