All Spice

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The harsh sun wakes me up from my slumber, I open one eye and see black hair. I pull him closer my lips kiss his neck he stirs, "Mornin raven" he stirs more then opens one of his red eyes.

"Mane caritate(morning love)" I sit up and run my hand through my hair. 'Oh yeah my hand is still a claw' I sigh and get out of bed "Raven", "Mmh".

I smirk "Raven the kid should have been up 30 minutes ago" he shoots me a glare. I laugh and lean against the wall.

I wave my claw and sit next to him, I cup his cheeck with it "We only have 5 minutes, might as well get up", "Normally it's you who wants to stay in bed".

Not saying anything back I kiss him, our tongues mix in sweet harmony while my claw grazes over his still naked body.

I click my tongue as he breaks the kiss. "Anyway does your ass hurt" he smirks "It does", "Than I've done my job right".

We kiss again until we have to wake up the kid and get started today. "So can you tell me what will happen today", "Prepare for a day full of spice".


We walk into town because of a new case and about 20 victims. Seeing Abberline the kid silently reads his papers.

"So all the victims have just returned from India then, crazziness and laziness the culprit has a way with words".

'I can't wait to meet him, I wanna try some curry' "Let's go you two" "Yes my lord". We head down a street where most of the Indians reside.

A man bumps into the kid "Ow that hurts, I think I've cracked rib", "That looks like a bad injury, he should pay you".

"Kid lemme handle this", "As you wish" a man grabs him but a kick to the stomach makes him fly backwards.

I crack my neck "Let's dance", "Excuse me but I'm looking for this indian woman have you by any chance seen her".

'Well he's here, mmh and he's kinda cute. Making raven jealous would be fun'.

He walks through the crowd "Oh my are you having a duel. Oh he has not one but two Khansamas are you and English nobleman".

"And what if I say I am" the kid says "Then I will have to side with my countrymen, come Agni defeat the Englishman".

Agni steps up "Jo ājñā" he unbandaged his arm "Wait a moment" I say and step to the prince. Agni blocks me "The picture of the woman, I think I've seen her".

He shows me the paper "Mina am I correct" he nods while Agni fights raven. "Where have you seen her", "She lives with a British man who I think is her husband".

I take his hand "But if you need some time to get over her, I'll be glad to help" before he says anything I hear the kid.

"We weren't doing anything but walking down the street, are you nothing more than a reckless savage who will attack anyone who merely walks by you".

"What tell me men did you attack this child here for bo good reason" the thugs mummer. He crosses his arms "Unfortunately my countrymen are wrong here, Agni we're on the Englishman side now".

Agni defeats the thugs while I pick up the kid's hat "You there, what is your name". I smirk and do the 'Move' "I am Kyro, I'm sure we'll meet again".

"Well I need to find her, goodbye" they start walking away "I think that went well don't you".


We're at the manor just walking in "Master", "Welcome home", "Hello". I take the kid's hat while raven takes his coat.

"I'll never get any peace at this rate if I'm called to London for every silly little thing".

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