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"CIEEELLLLLL!" the voice of Elizabeth rings out as she burts through the manor doors. "Lizzie" she spins him around making him dizzy.

She then places a small box in his hand "Here this is for you, open it I can't wait".

Regaining his posture he goes to open it but is stopped "Hold on I thought I broke this ring", "Well fortunately Sebastian was able to repair it".

"But how it was chipped and I don't see a single crack" I place a hand over my heart. "That is true but if couldn't do something so simple-", "Then what type of butler would he be really".

I bow "You took the words out of my mouth sir" lady Elizabeth maid Paula comes in. "So lady Elizabeth what do you have in the box there".

She grabs the box from master's hand "Nothing it's a secret", "Secret but you just told me to open it". She then asks for Paula to ring bells.

"Jingle jingle jingle", "Well that's all so have a good day!" She grabs Paula then scurrys out of the manor.

"She came ring bells for me", "Tomorrow is your birthday young master, I'm sure that's why she came".

The three idiots hide behind a pillar "Shall we have a birthday party it seems like some people would like to celebrate with you".

He turns his heel "What nonsense bring me my tea and tell Kyro I need to speak with him". "...Certainly sir".

Kyro Pov

I sit on the edge of a random rooftop looking at the moon, it's nice until I sense someone's presence. 'It isn't a demon and it isn't human is it-", "Lovely night isn't it".

Not turning around I answer the voice "Yeah it is" footsteps come closer to me then the person sits down next to me. 'Why the hell is he here with me'.

I don't say anything "So your a butler", "Not sure anymore" he turns to me and I meet his eyes. His unnatural purple eyes and white hair.

"I see" I turn away "Cut the shit Ash what do you want", "So you know who I am".

Clicking my tongue I place my elbows on my knees "Yep and I know what you are so why don't you tell me why a Angel is talking with a demon".

He stays quiet for a minute "You intrest me, mysterious yet open not like the other mongrels". I scoff "Think what you want" I stand on walk until he stands in front of me.

"I want to talk with you more", "That's not gonna happen, you know why". I get in close and whisper in his ear "It's because I'm unclean".

I walk past him "True, but we can change that", "We?". He turns and stares at me "I hear you like men, why don't you try me instead of that beta".

With a sigh I pinch the bridge of my nose "First of all you didn't hear that you stalk me, second you couldn't handle this cock, and thirdly aren't you a beta as well".

Ash holds himself "I'll change your mind soon, you'll be wanting this ass to the point of begging".

White wings emerge from his back "We well meet again Oryk" I glare at him as he ascends and disappears into the sky.

I hear music specifically London Bridge is Falling Down and see the creature running through the streets. 'Geez already I didn't want to see them so soon'.

Maybe I should help, no well I could, no ok ok if the kid calls me then I'll come other than that I'm.... just going to spy on them.

I feel two familiar presences coming for me 'Raven and Grell, I have to leave'. Quickly I move and run to avoid any confrontation.

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