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'Another day' I think as I finish another stack of paperwork. A knock comes from my door.

"Enter" the door opens and in comes my assistant Alex. He has papers in his hand with a cup of coffe "Hey boss, good news and bad news".

My eyebrow raises "Bad news" he puts down another stack of paperwork. I sigh "Good news is it's 9:50".

I sit back in my black leather chair and run my hand through my hair "Great, but still". I stand and grab a shit glass and some Chardonnay.

"Want some", "Oh no thanks boss I'm driving" with a shrug I gulp the shot down. "Are ya going home" he nods "Have a good night", "You too boss".

He leaves and and sigh 'Well I could go home, or to a bar' my phone rings and I see the caller is Alex.

Confused I answer "What", "Forgot to tell you boss, you have a luncheon with the head of Trino's tomorrow a 6".

I pinch the bridge of my nose "Aldini Trino", "Yeah, don't worry I'll be there with ya" with a grunt I hang up.

'Ugh the Trino's' I click my tongue and gather my things. I exit my building company and enter my car. I start driving until a deer crosses my path.

My car swirls until I crash into tree, 'Dammit everything hurts, well goodbye world'. My eyes close and I release my final breath.


Ok so I died now where am I, looking around I see people in old fashioned clothes and carriages going by.

I stand and look at myself, no injuries no bleeding I just have my white shirt pants and a black leather jacket on. However there is a pulsing sensation on my left shoulder.

Taking a look I see a mark and realize it starts from my neck to my shoulder blade.

Taking a look I see a mark and realize it starts from my neck to my shoulder blade

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'Wonder what this means' my senses have somehow enhanced. As people walk by I can smell that each if them have a different and unique scent.

'Where even am i-' "You there!" a high pitch voice rings out. To my right I see a little girl with blonde tendrils run up to me.

A lady runs behind her "Lady Elizabeth, please wait" the girl has green eyes and a fluffy pink dress.

"Are you a butler" I stare down at her "No I'm not" she and the lady gasp at my voice. 'I don't blame them, my voice is deep'.

The lady blushes and looks down "Well I want you to be my butler ok, oh my name's Elizabeth Midford and this is Paula".

She grabs my hand and drag me to a carriage, Paula helps her in. 'Seriously' with a sigh I hop in and she starts talking about herself.

"Oh and I have a fiance his name's Ciel, did I mention I love the color pink, I love sweets-", "Wait hold on you have a fiance".

She stops her rant and nods with a wide smile "Yep Ciel Phantomhive, he's my cousin". '~Sweet home alabama~'.

"Sorry but can you tell me where I am" they both have surprised faces. "Well your in London of course, the year 1888" she says with a smile.

With a nod I close my eyes "Uh what's your name sir" I open one eye and answer her. "My name is Kyro" she tilts her head "No last name".

I shake my head and close my eyes again waiting for the carriage to stop. 'Phantomhive, I've heard that name before but from where'.

-595 words

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