~Sebastian's Birthday~

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When I had asked raven when his birthday was he said he couldn't remember, so me being the best boyfriend in the world I decided to just celebrate him on a random day. Today I had convinced the kid to let the servants and I plan a birthday party. Raven has given me weird looks all day, normally I don't hang around the three but for planning I've been with them non-stop/

"What are we gonna get 'em" Bard says scratching his head "Yeah that's right, we should get him a gift!" Finny says, "But what would he like". The three look to me and smile "Kyro what would he like" I smirk already knowing what I'll give him. "How about we serve the food and do his duties while he relaxes". They smile "Yeah yeah! We could do that" Finny says "Right I'll get me flamethr-".

I grab his shirt neckline "Cooking needs fire, not firepower remember" he scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah", "Don't worry I'll teach you, maybe some day you'll cook the kid's food" he smiles and pats my back "I won't let ya down!". I turn to Finny "I'll give you some flowers and it'll be your job to arrange them in a beautiful fashion" he nods. "Mey-rin I want you to keep him distracted, cause the most chaos" she salutes me "Aye aye!".

With a nod to all of them I walk out of the library and to the kid's office "You're suppose to knock" he says not looking up from his newspaper. "Yeah I really should shouldn't I...so ayways what ya reading". I approach him and read what he's reading "Haha you have to attend a ball", "There was just a ball a week ago, why is there another". I shrug and stretch my arms "How is the planning", "Good, something small but nice y'know".

He nods and puts down the paper "When is your birthday", "May 15, why". He hums and closes his one eye "Why don't you two share a birthday, that would have been rather nice don't you think". My mouth hangs open, why the hell didn't I think of that "Yeah...but I don't wanna wait", "You're a child sometimes", "I know you are but what am I". He sighs then stands "Right now he should be doing the records, what shall I do then".

"Cause some trouble, live a little, do something daring, Jump from the roof. Just keep him occupied" he hums and turns to the window. "Today will be interesting", "Alright now, bye" I exit the room just to see raven approching with a tea cart. "Hey love", "Hello...what is with that smirk" I slip my arms around his waist and kiss him sweetly, I connected our heads when the kiss was over.

I love him so much, I've never felt this way about anyone or anything. I wanted this, him, us to last forever "Would you marry me" I asked my eyes opening to meet his red ones. "...In a heartbeat..." he whispered kissing me, it was slow like he was conveying what he felt for me. "Te amo corvus (I love you raven), "Te amo ut bene (I love you as well). Of course I had something special planned for tonight, and this interaction only made me more excited.

"Damn keep kissing me like this and I'll do you right here" he hummed "The tea would get cold" his hand traveled to my chest. "Then let it get fucking cold" I gently pushed him against the wall my knee inbetween his legs my lips working on his neck. I purr and hear him groan "Kyro" I restrain myself and pull away "See you later baby". I kiss his cheeck before walking down the hall hearing a "Tease" from him before he goes to the kid.

I head to me and raven's special spot in the garden, I cut some Katakana roses and go find Finny. Once I do I send to to go find any flowers that compliment the roses, 'Honestly he won't but it'll keep him busy'. Then I head back inside to find Mey-rin polishing the windows with grease, I give her a thumbs up which she gives back then continue on my way.

Making my way to the kitchen I see Bard mixing something in a bowl "Oi why isn't this turning into something".  I look into the bowl "Maybe because you forgot to add the wet ingredients" his mouth opens to a 'o' and I shake my head. "Alright Bard, we'll be cooking dinner, you think you're up to that", "Yeah I'm ready to reclaim my title as chef". I tie an apron around my waist just as Finy walks in "Uh hey Kyro I'm finished" he says coming in with the flower arangement.

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