~The New Case~

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Why can't London just be peaceful, here I am out of my warm bed not holding my lovely raven not relaxing but in the kid's office because the Queen has given him a new case. Laying on a couch I groan "So tell me that again, because I was not listening at all" I said honestly earing a sigh from the kid.

"There is a building we must check out-" I got up so fast your head would spin "Kid, you brought me here for a simple building". Lately I haven't been in the greatest mood and I can tell it's going to be a problem, the kid sends me a glare. "Kyro as one of my butlers, you are authorized to accompany me wherever I go. You will go on this case, is that understood?"

I feel a hand on my shoulder knowing it's raven "We'll bring the carriage around master" he says making the brat nod. I huff and walk out of the office and to the main door "Are you alright, you've been somewhat moody as of late?" his voice is of genuine concern as his eyes stare into mine. I grab his waist and kiss him lovingly "I'm fine as long as I got you with me."

Grabbing his hand I kiss his knuckles "My raven" he smiles "Are we ready to go?" a voice interrupts making me roll my eyes. "Kid we were having a moment", '"Well now it's over, let us depart" he steps into the carriage as a low growl escapes my lips "Come on, and maybe after work I will reward you, only if you are on your best behavior."

I smirk "I am always on my best behavior" with that said we sit in coach and raven drives the carriage to our destination. The place was kinda far maybe and hour away from town, the building was an old manor that looked like a haunted house. We help the kid out and start to enter the house, though I could not shake the feeling like I am being watched.

The inside was spacious and dark "I want a steak" the kid glanced to me and sighed but didn't say anything. He started telling us about the manor and how people have been lured here only to come up dead. All the time I'm wondering 'What does this have to do with me'. I wonder if that makes me lazy, well I am lazy.

My thoughts are interrupted by candles being lit all throughout the manor "That's totally normal." The door behind us slammed shut with a loud bang, blinking twice I nod slowly "Also normal." I swear if this turns out like any other horror movie I'm leaving quickly, I don't care if I am a demon, I'm making a dash for it.

With raven in my arms of course

Looking at the large staircase in front of us two figures start to descend coming from each side. Two females stand at the top of the staircase looking down at us "Who are you?" the kid questions boldly. The female on the left comes down and faces us while the female stays on the stairs.

'She's staring at me'

The female has short brown hair and green eyes "Welcome to our manor" he greets with a shaky voice, She clears his throat and tilts her head up in a confidant mannor "I am Alana Lanksley and you are?" someone who doesn't want to be here. All eyes turn to me, did I say that out loud "Sorry, continue" man with the weird name.

"Come now, this way" she guides us west in what seems like another part of the mannor. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn seeing the woman that was just standing atop the stairs. "So what's a demon doing here?", "Waiting for you handsome" she purss and snuggles up to my side.

I hope I have a face of disgust because I did not like her by side, we walk where the rest of them were in a living room. I didn't care what it looked like or what they were saying, all I know is someone better get this girl off of me. Raven looks at the woman and his eyes flash a look of protectivness in them 'The same look I had when you were fucking that nun mmh hmm.'

Anyway the woman Amanda or whatever takes on look at the woman and averts his eyes, he fiddles with his hands and starts slipping up in his words. 'What's got your knockers in a twist' hehe knockers, they talk but something feels different. It wasn't until I thought of something being wrong that I come back to reality.

I had walked somewhere in the manor with the woman, now approaching a large door. "Welcome handsome" she purred while opening the door, to reval three more woman. I blinked as they were all naked grinding on each other 'The hell...did I walk into' the women notice me and smile.

"He's sexy", "Hey I saw him first!", "Maybe but you won't be his first" they started touching and rubbing themselves against me. "You have exactly three seconds to remove yourselves from me" I say through clenched teeth. "Ooh", "Why handsome", "We're better than anyone you ever had."

The room went dark and all that could be seen was my glowing eyes, my canines extened and growl emitted from the depth from my throat. They all cowarded back at mu deadly aura pooling out of me, my horns pertruded, my nails becoming longer and black finally my chain around my waist.



(Sebastian Pov)

The lord and I continue to listen to what miss Lanksley is saying "Please she's making us do this! She brainwashed my friends and has been feeding them and herself off of peope that she lurrs here!" We take in all of the information but I'm suddenly distracted by the scent of Kyro.

His scent is deadly mixed with the scent of blood 'What is he doing?' "My lord, something is happening." He turns to me and nods "Stay here miss Lanksley" he says before we head out off the room. "Kyro what's the situation" he doesn't answer the our mate bond but I do sense his power.

"This way my lord" I say quickly upscalling the stairs and walking past the several doors and hallways. Suddenly a naked woman is thrown out a room with her head missing, her body slides down the wall blood doing the same. I shield master's eyes at the scene "Kyro!" I call which is met with a "What!"

My love soon emerges from door blood on his body and dripping from his black nails. The sight of him made my mouth water, he always did. He rolls his broad shoulders and sighs "Can we go now?" his asks annoyance in his voice. Master garbs my hand and removes it from his eyes "Have you disposed of them" he nods flicking some blood of his fingers.

"Their blood is disgusting"


(Kyro Pov)

Exiting the house with the woman Amery or something I sense something else, I smirk and look to raven. "Oh Bassy!" I tease which makes him cringe and walk faster to the carriage "Let us depart quickly." I chuckle as he tried to not see Grell or any other reaper, "Is that my Bassy and oh my Kyro I see~" we hear in the distance.

Raven grabs the reigns and slap them against the horses making them run, I laugh at his face as the word Bassy is heard still. When we are away from the manor I place my hand on his thigh slowly creeping upward. "What a lovely day" he groans as I palm him through his pants.

"Kyro-", "Mmh oh I'm sorry my hand wandered "

After a very teased filled ride we arrive at the Phantomhive manor being greeted by Mey-rin, Baldroy, and Finny. Baldroy takes an interest in what's her face and provides a room. The kid goes to his office sending us to get him some sweets, and like good butler we do so.








"Where's the cholcolate?" the kid asks and I smirk "Sorry we used it all" I bow and exit the office only to see raven waiting for me. His butler uniform open revealing his hickey littered chest, his glowing eyes filled with lust amd his erection obvious.

"Is something wrong?", "I'm still standing" he breathes out which makes me growl "Let's fix that"


Soooo hi author here, sorry if this was bad but honestly I'm running out of ideas to write. Maybe this should be the last chapter I dunno, nah let's go out with a bang! Next chapter smut filled.

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