Let The Fun Begin

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It's the next day and Seb is serving food "Today we have a cabinet pudding made with local blackberries".

The kid takes a sip of tea "Well your certainly relaxed", "That's because we are in no hurry sir".

Just then Mey-rin and Finny burst through the door "Sebastian hurry!", "What is it this time, do calm down please".

They say they looking for Angela "Oh is that all don't worry about it, she said there were some medicinal herbs growing by the fen she went there to go pick some up that's all".

Mey-rin squeals "She's out there and there might be a demon hound out there", "Oh hell".

Bard runs to the door "C'mon Sebastian Kyro" we both stay put. "Aren't you red blooded men, fine Tanaka".

Tanaka is running in place in a outfit with a gun "That's the spirit let's go", "Sir yes sir" he runs out followed by Mey-rin and Tanaka.

The kid sips his tea "I'm curious what is the color of your blood". I stand behind Seb "Well it's the same color when he blushes".

I nibble at his ear and he shudders in delight "Ahem!", "Kid when you and the blonde creature get intimate you'll know you can't just stop at the ear".

He has a shocked and red face as he just watches us "Like this". I kiss his neck and trail my hand down his clothed chest.

"Then kid you wanna say something sexy like" I think for a moment before saying something.

"J'ai hâte de t'emmener, tu ne marcheras pas pendant trois jours"

I made sure to speak French so the kid could listen, I then purr in his ear. "Make sure you grab her waist firmly but not too tight".

Seb tries to get out of my arms but fails "I'm sorry master-", "Oh yes that's a good name to use in the bedroom along with daddy".

I kiss him hard and end up french kissing, we break for air and I see the kid holding his nose with a blush. "You two leave and make sure to put on a good show n-not that kind".

We leave the room and Seb punches me in the arm "Ouch that hurt raven", "It was supposed to what were you thinking doing that in front of our young master".

"Calm down, it seemed like he enjoyed what he was seeing", "Even if that was the case that was inappropriate for a young boy to see".

He looks away from me and hugs himself "Those moments are meant to be for us, behind closed doors".

I'm confused now "So your what embarrassed of me of us", "We aren't even together!".

That hurt I mean that stung "We flirt and kiss and tease but we aren't together are we" I clench my fists.

"Are you serious, I willfully shared my past with you, I've never done that before. In fact I've never been in a relationship before, but you have experience right Sebastian. What do we no what do you know about love. For me flirting kissing hugging even being in the same room as you makes me hot and happy. I'm sorry that I don't care what others think, but I'll be damned if I ever stop liking you".

His posture is off his eyes are wide and his hands reach out "Kyr-", "No go deal with the hound I'll be there when I feel like it and don't come looking for me!".

I side step away from him far away from the village 'I just need time to cool off'.

Sebastian Pov

He dissapeares from my line of vision 'I'm an idiot, why would I say that. He's been treating me like a mate all this time even if he didn't mate me yet'.

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