~Obtaining Information~

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*Before Sebastian gave birth*


After patiently waiting for so long, I finally have a glass of wine. The kid wouldn't let me have alcohol for some reason so I have to settle with this weak stuff. At least the taste is alright, sweet more than anything though. Right now Raven's baking the kid some sweets, my eyes stare as he bends over to put the batter in the oven.  "How can he eat without gaining weight? He eats cake and shit almost every hour without exercise."

Raven turns as I set my glass down "He eats a well-balanced meal", "That you cook, would it kill him to cook sometime." He takes my glass and sips from it "If he can't put on his clothes correctly, what makes you think he can cook a meal." At that, I laugh "Yeah, you're right" I grab him by the waist and kiss him all over his face and down his neck. His soft chuckles make me feel all warm inside, "I love you" I whisper still kissing his neck.

"I love you as well"

My lips found his and we locked in a loving embrace, our lips moved in sync as I pulled him closer to me so that our chests are touching. It was moments like this that made my life perfect, where I feel loved and wanted. I lean back and kiss his cheek "If I cover you in whip cream and strawberries could I take my time licking every inch of you?" He chuckled and his eyes flashed "Are you saying you'll eat me?" I grab and knead his ass. "Mmh hmm"

"So you would eat our child?" I roll my eyes "No" I let go of him and drop down to one knee to his stomach. "I won't eat you, though I will blow raspberries on you little one" I press my ear to him. "Heeeeellllloooooo" raven chuckles again "Come, you have to fix those three messes now." I groan and stand "They've been doing good so f-" just then a loud crash was heard down the hall. He gives me a look and goes back to the oven "See now you spoke that into existence."

I sigh and venture out of the kitchen to see what the noise was even though I could take an accurate guess. Rounding the corner I see Mey-Rin and Finny both on their asses, around them were about a dozen of now broken plates. "Is it not bad enough that the kid has to [ay for all the used silverware " I walk down the main staircase having their eyes on me. They quickly scramble to their feet "Mr. Kyro! It was my fault yes it was!" Finny jumped in "No it's mine! I was running happily to get the mail to the young master."

"Well which do you want to do?" they turned their heads in confusion. "If you deliver the letter you have to tell him that you broke some plates, and..." They lean in closer "He seems to be in a bad mood" the lie makes them look at the broken plates sadly. "Or" I pipe up "I could do it and you two take care of the mess before he ever sees it." Wide smiles spread across their faces "Really!" I nod "Thanks Mr. Kyro you're the best!" I rub imaginary dirt off my shoulder "I know I know, now hurry" Finny gives me the letter and I walk back up the main stairs.

Walking back into the kitchenette I'm greeted by a male "Oh uh hey." Bard gets caught red-handed stuffing a tart in his mouth "Is it good?" He swallows "Real tasty" I nod and leave the kitchenette again, raven must be with the kid. I sigh and begin walking to his office "Making my way downtown, walking fast- oh I'm here." Not bothering to knock I enter the room "It's shmee your favorite demonic helper with a gift!" I present the letter "Beat that entrance raven."

I stick out my tongue at him but all he does is smile at my antics, I place the letter on the kid's desk so gracefully. He goes to take it but I slide it back "Thank you Kyro, you are the best demonic helper and I don't know where I would be witho-" he snatches the letter from me. I place my hand at my chest and feign hurt "How rude" with my job being done I head to a sofa and sit making grabby hands at raven. Feeling that ass of his on my lap would make me feel even happier. And horny.

Sebastian x Seme Male Where stories live. Discover now