End And Beginning

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I wake up and see a table with a whole bunch of stuff I don't even know. I'm chained up by my wrists "The hell".

I try to move but it burns my wrists I hiss in pain and that's when the door opens. "Hello my son" a woman with long black hair and golden yellow eyes with a evil smirk.

I glare at her "I'm not your son" she gasps and slaps me "Ok maybe you are". She smiles and then Ash walks in arms crossed eyes narrowed.

"You're sure this will work", "It will, it's much stronger than the first one" she brews something and pours it into a cup.

I scrunch up my nose "That's not going into my body", "We'll see" Ash comes up to me and caresses my left cheeck.

"That unclean demon made you remember but I'll help you forgot" I pull away but hiss "Careful those were designed to cause pain to even a demon".

I meet his purple eyes "Why me" he smiles "Well it took two warriors to take down that wretched demon so" he grabs the cup from my "mother".

"So controlling you is much easier, we sent Delilah into the future to kill your parents and raise you and to also learn of thier technology".

'They couldn't that's impossible even for a angel' "Your lying", "Am I" he turns to the woman and see she's changing.

Her hair pure white her eyes emerald green and a fake smile plastered on her face "After I killed your mother and father, I took her form".

'All this time it wasn't my actual mom' "How could you, aren't you suppose to be angels" Ash caresses my cheeck "We are and by doing what we did we ensured a bright and unclean future, but you were brought here".

I see the angel pour the stuff in the cup into a syringe "Now you'll be under our control", "Completely". She puts the syringe in my neck and injects the liquid.

My vision blurs "No" I can feel myself slipping away 'Raven if you can hear me, I love you so much. I'm sorry that I'm weak and I'm sorry that I didn't kiss you or fuck you one last time. I love you my raven'. With that I black out.

Ash's Pov

His head drops and his body goes limp "Kyro" I try and his head lifts slowly. Grey eyes meet mine and I smile "No life, dull just as you should be".

"Do what you wish with him", "I plan too, I'll make him fight and kill his lover" I unshackle him and pull him by his shirt. "Follow me dear".

He does so and I smirk 'Get ready for some pain Michaelis' we walk to an abandoned house "Stay here, I have business to attend to. Oh and just for security".

I unsheath my sword and stab him in the stomach, I lean into his face "Don't remove it my pet or else" he doesn't speak nor does he show signs of pain.

"Good boy, I'll be back soon"


(Kyro's Pov)

'It's dark and quiet, where am I' I can see through my eyes but it's like it isn't my body. 'Am I dead, no, what is this'.

I look down and see sword lodged in my stomach, 'There's so much blood, but why can't I move'. I then recall someone's voice.

"Don't remove it my pet or else"

I then remembered a man in white but who is he, I hear something are they screams running is that fire. 'What is happening, snap out of it'.

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