The Case Continued

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We're in the carriage "The Viscount Druitt know as Aleister chambers, he's been throwing several parties in his home but behind the scenes are secret gatherings only his intimates may attend".

"I heard he's into black magic, that sort of thing" Madam Red says.

The carriage stops and the kid gets off "Tonight is the last part of the season, this is our last chance".

We enter and head to a corner "Ciel will be my niece visiting from the country, Sebastian and Kyro are Ciel's tutors".

"And why do I have to act like your niece", "Because dear I've always wanted a girl".

She then get's in his face "You don't want them knowing your a Phantomhive do you, besides I heard that the Druitt has an eye for any pretty little thing in a skirt".

I smirk "We do want to catch his attention Cecelia" Seb smirks as well "By any means necessary, you do believe saying that right".

We walk across the ball "At least Elizabeth isn't here, I wouldn't want here seeing me in this", "Oh that dress is so adorable".

Looking back we see the creature "Mast- I mean mistress calm down" while they try to sneak away I apart from them.

'Cause a distraction, hm that piano looks a little lonely' in a flash I'm there no one noticing. I see Seb and the kid walking away from the creature, until they run outside.

Soon music starts playing Seb and the kid are dancing 'He's doing well'. He soon collapses, I see the Druiit approach them and Seb walked off.

He goes to a waiter and grabs two drinks, he looks around but soon meets my eyes and comes to me.

"Why did you leave", "Ah come on, it was funny seeing if he was going to fall or not". He hands me a drink and I see the Druitt trail his fingers down the kid's side.

I take a sip "This lemonade could be a but sweeter" Seb smirks "Oh so you like sweets", "I do".

The music ends and I see the blonde creature running towards him. I place a mask I stole on and sit on the little bench and begin to play.

As I'm playing people and the creature surround me, soon I end and everyone starts clapping. I stand and bow seeing as the kid went with the Druitt.

Seb whistles "Well now Fur Elise with a twist well done", "Thank you my crow" he smirks, suddenly we hear the kid.

'Sebastian, Kyro come get me now'.

We enter the auction area, the lights go out as me and Seb take out the people. The light turns back on and there's the kid in a cage.

"Really sir are you good for nothing but getting yourself captured, "Sad". We walk on stage "As long as I have your contracts you'll follow me anywhere whether I ask you to or not".

Seb starts talking about how he and the kid are bound, 'I guess we aren't as bonded seeing on how my mark is on his hip'.

I pull apart the bars and Seb gets and untied the kid "Good you will never lie to me no matter what, that goes for you too Kyro".

Seb does the Move "Yes my lord", "Sure kid" he then looks to the Viscount.

"I guess this solves the Jack the Ripper case", "We should leave before Scotland Yard comes". Seb nods to me while he picks the kid up and we jump out a window.

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