I'm The Worst Sorry!!

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Hi hello hi, thank you to everyone who has read this book and enjoyed it. Thank you for all the likes, comments, love and support. I really love you all like seriously I worte this book for fun, I didn't expect it to be this good.


Yeah y'know the mega smut I wanted to write? Yeah so I didn't finish it and looking back I don't want to. Sorry to dissapoint everyone that looked forward to it. So sorry!

*Bows 90 degrees*


Here is a random smut from my second account Ravens_Secret, and no you don't have to follow or anything. Just enjoy, that's really all I can ask for. So instead of going out with a bang, how about we go out banding on the desk? Again thank you all for going along with this book, I wish you well reading.

The Office

Will include...

|Office Sex|~|Cockwarming|~|Second Person Pov|~|Caught?|~|Orgasm Denial|~|Spanking|~|Teasing|~|Thigh Riding|~|Oral|~|Gagging|~|Hair Pulling|~|Different Positions|~|Oveerstimulation|~|Multiple Orgasms|~|FxM|~|Unprotected Sex|

"Mr. Silva is busy at the moment," the annoying high pitch assistant said batting her fake eyelashes and tilting her stiff hair to the side. Observing the woman you notice a small smirk on her red crusty lips, her shirt having three buttons unbuttoned exposing her breast. She looked like a slut who ruined people's happy relationships, but not yours.

You were not in the mood for her shit right now, all you wanted was your man and for him to fuck the life out of you. All the teasing you've done, sending pictures, disobeying what he asked you to do, rubbing yourself in the camera and sending him the video, has led to this. An empty bed and a horny girl. Normally you would just use a vibrator or your fingers to get the job done, but it wasn't what you wanted. You wanted no you needed to be fuck.

And it seems like your prayers have been answered since a male driver appeared in your driveway and said that Mr. Silva has told him to take you to his office. You've never been there and were in awe of how big the place was, especially how many people were there running around. There were large windows that let natural light in that adorned the walls, desks, receptions, marble floors pretty much anything that screams a big rich company.

Your boyfriend, Cyrus Silva is the CEO of one of the largest companies in the world. He has restaurants, cafes, clubs, malls you name it, but you didn't care. You weren't the type to use people for their money and that was one of the things that he loves about you, he loved you because you weren't like any others he had that just sucked the money from his pocket like he was their personal ATM.

Though him being the CEO means that he constantly has work to do and that means not being at home half of the time. So that's why you're here, staring blankly at the woman sitting behind the black desk. Her computer wasn't even on and she has no papers on the desk "I'm sure he is, dealing with your ass all the time, but me he actually wants to see".

Taking two steps past her you then look back over your shoulder your long/short hair moving with the action. "Thank you" you said with a fake smile before walking to his office door, not bothering to knock you open the door and catch him on the phone. His eyes stare at your figure as you enter and gently close the door behind you careful not to make any noise.

You bite your bottom lip as you take him in, his hair styled professionally, his black suit with a navy blue tie with black slacks and black dress shoes. He stood tall and broad against the window, the natural light adorning his handsome features making him look even more attractive.

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