~Getting Him Pregnant~

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I push raven against the wall and kiss him hard and passionately, I rub my knee in between his legs. He moans in my mouth and wraps his arms around my neck.

We pull apart "Can I try something", "Sure" I back up and sit on the bed while raven surrounds himself in darkness.

Moments pass and he steps out of darkness in his demon form, I bit my lip "Fuck you look good". He smiles and comes towards me and offers his hand.

I take it and kiss his black claws then pull on my lap, he grabs my head and grinds on my erection. I growl and grab his hips "Fuck" I suck on his left nipple earning a moan from him.

Soon I transformed as well making raven moan and purr in my presence, I switch our positions so now he's under me. I take my whip and tie his hands and legs "Tell me what you want raven".

I stroke his cock at a agonizingly slow pace "P-please" he let's out a moan "Use your words baby" he meets my eyes "I need you, fuck me, breed me" I lean down and kiss him.

"Gladly, but first"

My darkness wraps around his wrists he pouts "No fair I wanna touch you", "Maybe after round 3". I kiss him while positioning my self to his puckering hole.

"So inviting" I enter him fast and hard immediately start thrusting. He tries to touch me my darkness isn't making it easy, he moans my name like it's the only word he knows and I love it.

His hips are probably bruised with my hands gripping them so tightly, I lean down and harshly suck on his right nipple licking it as well leaving a hickey.

I switch our position and know he's riding me with so much force, he angles himself and his eyes roll back. I hold his waist and thrust my hips upwards when he comes down making me go even deeper.

"Y-you're in-haaah~!" am I in his guts, well might as well rearrange them. I change our position again this time he's on his stomach, he props himself up on his elbows but his head is pressed to the sheets.

I lift his head up by his hair "Lemme hear you baby" I could hear his moans and pants more clearly as I fuck him into oblivion.

He already came twice but I continue thrusting "Who the fuck does this bussy belong too", "Y-you!". I lean down and bite his neck where my mark is.

The moan he released was unlike the others and fuck it was hot, I smacked his ass cheeck watching the once pale flesh turn bright red.

He threw his head back and came again, I flipped him over onto his back and continued fucking him. "Shit" I groan out as I feel a knot building up.

I stare into raven's just filled fuchsia eyes and kiss him passionately releasing my seed into him. I swallow his moan into the kiss, not wanting to separate even for air.

We did though and caught our breath quickly, my darkness around his wrists stretch into long ropes. It wraps all over his body and I bite my lip at the sight.

"Fucking perfect", "Do I really have to be tied up" I chuckle devilishly my voice dropping several octaves. "Of course, it'll be fun to edge you on".

I lick his neck up to his ear, I rub my fingers along his hole teasing him. His eyes close and he bucks his hips forward, I kiss his stomach going lower and lower.

My lips hover over his tip it twitching when my breath hits it, I make eye contact and slowly lick the slit. His back arches and a needy gasp escapes his lips "K-kyro-", "Mmh hmm".

I trail my tongue up and down his shaft loving his face of pleasure and embarrassment. Once I heard him whisper a please I swallow his cock in my mouth deep throating him till my lips touch his balls.

When he releases down my throat I don't stop so he shakes in pleasure his hips going crazy trying to pry me off but I hold him down still sucking.

His back arches deep into the mattress his claws tearing the sheets as he has his second orgasm. He breathes heavily as I come off him with a pop.

"Yum" I pick up his body and push him against the wall, I suck on his neck leaving hickey after hickey on his pale white skin.

He lazily wraps his arms around my neck "Now let's get you pregnant". It takes a lot for a demon to get knocked up so I start filling him with my seed round after round.

"I can't go on" he breaths out hair messy face red hickeys adorned his body. He looks so beautiful under me "You were so good raven" I kiss his swollen lips "Now we wait".

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