~A Day Off In Hell~

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I was actually doing something for once and no it was not teasing or having sex with raven. I was preparing a lemon cake per that crazy girl Elizabeth's request "Are you done" raven asks "Yeah". While I carry the sweets raven carries the tea to the kid and his guest, I groan as her annoying voice keeps talking.

'For all that is unholy, how can the kid stand her' I sigh and look at raven 'I want a vacation'. After while she finally leaves and we enter his study, the kid works on paperwork while I undress raven with my eyes. An idea pops into my mind and I smirk "Hey kid" he looks up "What is it", I sit up "Could you survive one day without raven".

"Why ask", "Nah you couldn't, I bet you don't even know where the tea is" his brows narrow. "I could, the fact is that I've never had to not rely on him" I smirk "Care to make a bet?". He puts down the paper and intertwines his hands and puts his chin on them "Oh and what would that be" I stand in front of him. "I bet that you can't go a day without calling for him", "And why would I not need to call him". I walk to raven and hug him inhaling his scent "Raven's taking me to his place in hell, he'll be unable to work for you today when I'm done".

He blushes and turns away and I chuckle "You wouldn't last an hour", "I could!". I smile "Then it's settled, let us go raven", "Master" he turns to the kid his face asking "Go, i'll be fine I have...those three". He sighs and I drag raven out of the mannor "So where do we go, is there a portal maybe a spell" he chuckles "There is a place". He looks back at the mannor and sighs, I give him a quick kiss "He'll be fine, he has Tanaka". I kiss him again and he smiles "Yes, you're right, a little break would be nice".


We're at the end of the world looking down at where we need to jump, I transform into my demon form and offer my hand. "Shall we" crow feathers surround him and dissapear leaving him in his alluring form. He takes my hand "We shall" and we jump descend down the brown earth fading to red and screams of the damned fill my ears. After falling for quite a bit we land, all types of demons walk around but they all stop and stare at us. "What's the problem", "Remember there hasn't been an Alpha in quite some time, also you're Decismos reincarnation".

'In that case' I grab him by the waist and suck his neck hard enough to leave a bright red hickey for all to see. "Let's go" I slap his ass and walk demons clearing a way for us. We walk until a demon comes up to me "H-hi there-", "What" I say coldly and she shivers and bites her lip and leans forward "I was wondering if you would like to spend some time with me", "No me!" another comes up and now there's a group around me. I look back and see that raven's in the back, I let my black wings spread which the succubi only more interested in me, but I didn't care.

I float over the girls and reach down for raven, he reaches up and I grab him "I haven't taken you for a flight have yet have I", "No". I smirk and begin flying all throughout hell looking nowhere but raven, I stop and levitate before we kiss. My black claws wrap around his head pushing him closer to me deepening our kiss. "Fuck" our eyes glow and shimmer "Fucking beautiful" he chuckles "Not so bad yourself". We kiss again and I start gliding "Wouldn't it be fun to fuck you in the air for all of hell to see", "Intriging idea though I'm not ready to show you off yet". I hum and peck his delicious lips "Is that where we're going" I say looking at the hug castle.

"Yes, go there" I follow to where he suggested in the castle, I set him down on the balcony. He opens the window and I enter after him "This your room raven" I look around his blood red and black room but I stare at our bed "Yes". He sits on the bed and feels the red satin sheets "It's been awhile, even before master I haven't returned". After he says that he stands and walks to me, he touches my abs and trails his hands up around my neck "Shall I welcome you home, at least for awhile".

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