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I feel movement so I open one eye and see Seb removing my arm "What cha doing raven" he stops his actions.

"Well I have to wake up the master also we chores to do" I remove the covers. "Can we do all that while your naked".

He turns to me hair disheveled and lips in a smirk "No, now change the sheets". I kiss him briefly before getting up, he stands but drops to one knee.

"Do your legs work raven", "Hush! Just give me a moment" I chuckle and change the sheets. "Imma take a shower, your invited".

I enter the bathroom and turn on the water, I step in and it's boiling hot "Just how I like it". I wash myself and that's when I hear footsteps.

Seb enters I look over his body and I see bruises on his hips 'I hope I didn't hurt him'. He stands in front of the mirror and touches his shoulder.

"You marked me" he turns to me with a smile "I'm your mate", "Yep now come in here and lemme wash you". He steps into the space with me and I take some soap and rub his back.

I then rub down his sides to his hips "Kyro" he warns "What I'm washing you". He looks over his shoulder "Don't try anything", "Of course".

I rub his butt next massaging both cheecks he let's out a sound a mixture of a moan and a groan. I smack the booty and it jiggles "Bubble butt".

I can feel the eye roll from him as I said that, I kiss up his back to his neck. "Mon corbeau(my raven)" I whisper.

"Oui(yes)", "Nous avons un chien(we have a dog)" he groans and shoves me away. I laugh at his expression "You ruined the mood".

My laughing ceases I turn him around and kiss him "I know sorry, we should probably get out". He nods and we finish washing up.


We're cleaning the library and I can sense the three behind the bookcase. 'I honestly want to lay down, I don't care about the photo'.

Seb starts cleaning the books then the pictures then the windows and more. He then adds a red rose to a bunch to white flowers 'That's a little tacky'.

He leaves the room and the three come up to me "Kyro we need your help yes we do". I look at Bard holding the camera "What is it".

I know full well what they want to do but I hear them out anyway "So will you help us" Finny asks but I shrug. "I wasn't ordered too".

They pout as I roll my eyes I then work on a random room, I'm leaving until I hear a crash. Looking out the window I see Finny on the ground with a table.

'Seb should now be working on records' I find the room he's in after about 5 minutes searching. A bell rings "Could you finish here", "Sure go redo his tie".

He leaves while I finish the records writing names and such. Later I head outside to see Pluto in his dog form looking into the window.

"Oh Pluto~" he turns to me sniffs and licks me "My what a nice dog you are". I rub his nose and he nuzzles into my hand "Good boy, so pretty".

I hear him purr and the three come out "Come on darling why don't we take a walk". I start walking and Pluto follows that is until the kid calls me.

With a sigh I pet him "I have to go be good ok" he whines but I teleport into the kid's office. "What's up".

"Do you know", "About the camera yeah, the three we're working on it until raven gave them a task".

He nods and smirks "I'm quite interested in you too, who will appear in your picture I wonder". I hum "I know you can give it a guess".

Sebastian x Seme Male Where stories live. Discover now