~Meeting With The Spider~

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I'm currently laying down on a random couch in a random room in the manor, "Am I bluuueee-" the door opens and I see Finny, Mey-rin and Bard rush towards me. "Kyro!" they all shout at the same time, I groan and open one eye.

"What", "The master wants to see you" I close my eye "He'll have to come get me then". The three yell at me and tell me that I should go and that if I don't they'll tell Sebastian. "Go on then, tell" I urge them and wait a few seconds till they leave.

I shift in place to get comfy only for the door to burst open "Kyro" I hear a stern voice say. 'I just want a nap' without opening my eyes I respond "Hello love", "Mind telling me why you didn't come, I had those three idiots run up and tell me what you said".

"Well what if I wanted you to come get me" he sighs "Come master needs to visit the Trancy manor". This time I sigh "And why do I have to attend" I feel him sit on my lap, I open my eyes to only shut them again because of him kissing me.

I grab his hips and rub up his sides while our tongues mix tasting each other, he breaks the kiss and sits on my lap. "I asked you to that's why" he leans down eyes flashing thier lovely fuschia color "You have five minutes to meet us at the carraige".

He gets off me and walks away "Damn raven that ass" he turns around and sighs "Just hurry". He leaves the room and I groan but reluctantly get up and slowly walk to the front door. On my way there I pass the servants 'I'll make sure to haunt your dreams, if i'm not already in them'.


We pull up to the mansion and I dread going in 'It's cold' raven helps the kid out while I stay in. "I'll take care of the carriage", "Alright meet us inside". Nodding I do just that and walk slowly to the front door 'Hehe'.

Instead of knocking and going in normally I transform into my demon form, my chains hit the ground while heat radiates off of me. With force I slam open the door "Here the fuck I am!". The kid and another kid stares at me "C-c-claude!" the other kid shouts scared pointing at me.

The butler in black beside him rushes towards me but I'm behind him in a instant, my chains wrap around him making him unable to move. He glares at me but I can tell he's scared himself, I hear a cough from behind me "Kyro let him go and change immediately" the kid demands.

"As you wish"

My chains unwrap from him so fast that the butler named Claude spins a bit before finding his balance. I return to my human form and the blonde haired kid hides behind the kid "W-who is h-he".

The kid sighs "Kyro don't cause any trouble" I send a wink raven's, way while I walk to the blonde kid hiding behind the kid. I lean down  "Boo". I get hit in the shoulder by raven and that's when I relent and see there are four other people in the room.

Three males servants that are identical and a maid, I stare at the three and raise a brow. "Problem?" they look down not making eye contact with me, I lift the one in the middle's chin. "What's your name sweetheart".

His eyes meet mine and he blushes and whispers "Timber" I smirk "Lovely to meet you-", "I'm Thomas", "Cantebury". The other two speak up and I give them a closed eye smile. "Well pleasure to meet you all".

I ruffle each one of their heads until I hear steps coming my way "I applaud you sir, the triplets rarely speak". I turn to see a woman with long hair and sun kissed skin "Where are my manners" I kindly take her hand and kiss her knuckles.

"Kyro a pleasure", "Hannah Annafellows the pleasure is mine" she smiles a small bit before she looks back.  "I have to go, His Hignness is calling me". I nod understndingly then turn back to the triplets.

"Well now could you show me where the kitchen is" they nod and lead me through the mannor. 'This is a very dull place' I thought as they push open a door for me "Thank you three".

They bow slightly and stand there like they're waiting for something, I ruffle their heads and their eyes flash. "Aww so adorable" after I rub their heads some more they leave and I'm left in the kitchen.

I take the packet of Eral Grey tea from my breast pocket and boil some water, 'Look at me being a good butler, it's not gonna last'. I fix up some delicious snacks for them while I wait. After the water is boiled I add the tea and place the teapot and cups on a silver tray.

'Great all I need to know now is where they are...jeez now I gotta walk all the way to them'. I sigh and close my eyes trying to find the kid's scent, a few moments pass and I find it.

I start walking up the stairs and down the long hallways and stop at a door, being polite I knock three times and hear a enter. I open the door and see the the kid making a disgusted face while holding a teacup.

"W-what do you want" the blonde haired kid says stuttering "Bringing the kid some actual tea". Raven helps me by holding the tray while I pour the tea, I set the cup down for him and the snacks.

The kid takes a sip and shoots me a greatful look but it's soon gone when the blonde haired kid whines. "I want that kind of tea. Claude!" the other butler tries to take the teapot from me "Hell no drink your own nasty tea".

I hug the teapot close to me while glaring at Claude 'I hate spiders, anything with more than 4 legs has to be killed'. "Kyro you can leave now", "...Alright..." I exit the room and then the mannor.

He said I could leave he didn't say stay in the mannor, I walk aoutside and see their garden. 'What in the beauty and the beast type of garden is this' I blink twice before laying against the wall.

'I want some of raven's blood, well I want raven. Matter of fact the kid has been calling him a lot lately'. "Yeah that's gonna have to change" I say outloud thinking of a way that I could have raven when all of a sudden I feel something on me.

Looking on my left shoulder I see a spider crawling up my arm, I got a flashback to when I was young and my 'mother' would make me sit in a bathtube full of insects. I instanly shiver and throw the creature off of me, I glare down at it 'Burn'.

The creature catches on fire and soon dies "Well that was a tad cruel" I sigh and face Hannah "Sorry brought back a bad memory". She hums and heads off to the garden 'She doesn't expect me to follow her right, cuz I'm not'.

I close my eyes "Raven you there", "Yes is something wrong", "No, just bored and wishing that you were underneath me writhing in pleasure". He sighs and I can't help but chuckle picturing his red face "Kyro you are to be patient and wait until this meeting is over, which seems like it'll be soon by the looks of it".

I groan "Fine hurry up, I need a drink" he doesn't respond and so I wait for what feels like forever until the manor doors opened. The kid and raven walk out with the blonde haired boy and his butler walking them out. I side step to the kid's side earning a gasp from the blonde boy.

With a whistle from me the horses bringing the carriage around, "Come back soon Ciel!, "Like bloody hell I will" the kid whispers stepping into the carriage. I turn to Claude "...Ew..."
I send a smile back at the manor where I know the triplets and Hannah can see me.

"Till next time" I sat getting in the carriage, we drive away and I yawn. "Kid do you want me to burn that place" he shakes his head "No I would like to keep him around, he could be if use". I sigh and transform into my panther state and sit on raven's lap who immediately goes to petting me.

Of course I know that the kid is allergic but not to me, I purr as raven scratches my ears and close my eyes. Though seconds later I feel another hand 'They all want me' I mentally chuckle as the kid pets me too.

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