~Ciel's First Time~

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*Aged up*

(Ciel's Pov)

Today I woke up like any other day, Sebastian dressed me, fixed my breakfast, worked on records for the company, gave me tea, and left me alone to work. It was all great until my study door opened with an in coming Kyro, usually, he and Sebastian are joined at the hip but now he's here alone. Uh oh. I sigh "What is it, and you know to knock" he plops down on one of the sofas. "Remember that talk we had, about the birds and the bees?" my ears burn at the memory of it but I turn away and cough. "Yes I remember, know if that is all-", "It's not".

He stands and puts his hands flat on my desk "The ball is tonight, she'll be there, and it'll be all on you to do the do". He wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk, the ball was indeed tonight but I didn't plan on doing that..."Upsurd!" he clicks his tongue. "Do you need a demonstration on how it's done, raven and I would be happy to-", "That won't be necessary!" I yell which makes him laugh. "Calm ya' knockers kid, we'll be in your corner all night", "And that makes me feel, so much better" I roll my eyes and sip my now cold tea.

"Where's Sebastian?", "Out of commision...heh" I sigh as this was a regular thing that occurred now "Bring me more tea, and a slice of cheesecake". He takes my teacup and saucer "So you like my cheesecake, ah man I'm gonna cry" I shoo him out and contemplate on what I should do. 'Should I...absolutely not...I mean it's not like she's been very pushy about the idea, not as of late'. I sigh, and now because of Kyro I now have thoughts on the whole ideal about having....doing it with Elizabeth.

My thoughts are ripped from me as I hear a crash from somewhere 'My servants', I continue reading until it's time to get ready for the ball. I exit my study and enter my bedroom "Sebastian" I call a few seconds pass before the door opens in walks my other butler. "Yes my lord, you called" I look over him and look away "Your tie is crooked" he immediately fixes the cloth and apologizes. "I will be needing an outfit for tonight", "Of course" just as he went to the closet the door opened "It's your favorite supernatural, no offense raven!".

I sit on the bed and groan "Hey now I come bearing a gift" he steps to me and presents a box. Not trusting him I wave Sebastian over to have a look inside "Absolutely not...for the lord", "So you're saying that we c-", "My lord these are the outfits I have chosen" he cuts him off. He lays two outfits down but now I want to see what was in the box "Sebastian hand it to me". Kyro lays on my bed "Get off!", "I make the damn bed every day when you wake up, so calm down little lord".

"Kyro, please help Bardroy with buffet", "Will do love" he salutes Sebastian and kisses his cheek before leaving. "Having a mate must be nice for you" he looks down and his lips curl up in a smile, a genuine one "Yes it is". I hum and stare at the two options before me, with a few seconds of thinking I choose the left one. "Very good my lord" after he finishes dressing me I head with him to the kitchen to make sure things are going smoothly.

Bardroy and Kyro are just doing the finishing touches on the food "Keep this up Bard and you'll be head chef again". He gives a closed-eye smile "Really? Ah thanks master, eh no hard feeling right Sebastian", "Yes of course, though I doubt that will be happening any time soon" he says the second part lowly but I still heard it. After we head to the ballroom. I look around and swipe my finger on the stair railing, rubbing my fingers together I groan "Do we really have to have a ball", "My lord I'm sure the guests are already on their way".

I head back upstairs to my study just to get some more work done before I have to suffer, a knock "My lord the guest are arriving". A muffled Sebastian says and I internally groan "And guess who the first one is...Imma tell you anyway it's the blonde-haired creature" then there's a muffled Kyro. I rub my head, "Get me when there are more guests". I hear nothing and slump back in my chair 'I wonder if I could have a quick nap'.

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