The Case

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The next day comes and Ciel tells me that we're going to his country home. 'Rich kid I tell ya'. Anyway the carriage ride is smooth but my mind wonders to last night.

Last Night~ (lil fluff)

We enter the manor and put Ciel to bed "Stay you two" with a nod from me and a "I'll be by your side" from Seb we wait for him to sleep.

Once he is we exit and Seb walks me to a room "Here you are". I enter and see it a dark room, it has the major things a bed a closet a bathroom you know but something about it reminded me of something.

"Is this your room" he lays down the candles "Yes though I hardly use it". A smirk tugs on my lips, I slip my hands to his waist.

I bring my lips to his ear "How thoughtful" I feel him shiver. A growl makes him gasp, "Why don't you stay here a bit", "Gladly".

I turn him around and see his eyes are now fuchsia, I take his chin between my fingers and lift it. "You look like you want something".

"I believe you do as well" I feel my eyes change as I connect our lips. The kiss is hot full with need and lust. I lick his bottom lip for entrance and he accepts.

My tongue battles with his until I win the fight, I explore his mouth leaving no place unchecked. I feel his knees buckle so I grab his waist tighter supporting him.

Breaking the kiss I head for his neck, I find his weak spot when he let's out a moan. 'Fuck that's hot' I bite suck and kiss the spot getting more delicious moans from him.

My lips part with his skin a brief moment "Jump" he does so and I support him with my hands under his thighs. He wraps his legs around my waist as I lay him on the bed.

I place my hand in his and kiss him again, then I'm right back to his neck giving him a nice red hickey.

I place my hand in his and kiss him again, then I'm right back to his neck giving him a nice red hickey

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His back arches and his erection brushes against mine, I hear him utter something under his breath. "-rk me mark me, mate me".

I chuckle and stare at his face, lips plump and swollen, cheecks flushed red his fuchsia eyes his demon scent. "Did you say something my little crow".

He thrusts his hips up again, his eyes pleading he bites his lip and that's where I lost it. I then- "Kyro!".


I heard my name and look at Ciel "Tell me more about the phone". I take out the said object and turn it on "Was there ever a time you wanted to freeze a moment and make it last forever".

He shrugs "Maybe" I go to my camera roll crow looking into it as well. I point to camera "Pose" he does nothing. I take the picture and hand the phone to him.

He looks at the picture "Interesting, can it do more" I nod and put the mode on video. "Say something", "I am Ciel".

I end the video and show him "I am Ciel" his blue eye blinks before giving it back.

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