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After what felt like an eternity, the letters with the information about the whole soulmate stuff arrived. I was really excited and immediately opened mine. 

Dear Atsumu Miya, 

Through your citizenship in this country, you'll be given the opportunity of communicating with your soulmate. This soulmate is not government-designated but a person you are destined to be with. Whether as friends, romantic partners or whatever you'd like. 
We won't give you the number of that person because of privacy reasons but you'll be able to communicate with them anyway. 
This whole soulmate project is a cooperation with the App 'Spotify'. 
This application is free although you can buy an upgraded version. 
If you don't know what this app is we'll give you a short explanation here. Spotify is an Application on which you can listen to music and also create Playlists with songs. You may think 'how am I supposed to communicate with my soulmate' and trust us, everybody would probably ask themselves this question but we found a nice and intimate yet private way to communicate with your soulmate. 
The two of you will share a Playlist on this App in which you can add songs in order to communicate. You'll be able to name the Playlist however you want. You won't be able to change this name once you confirmed it. This name will appear on the screen of your soulmate and be the name of the Playlist they'll see. It'll be the other way around as well.
For more information, look at our website or the guide on Spotify. 

We hope you'll have a nice day and will be able to communicate and find your soulmate. 

While reading the letter, my eyes widened more and more. I would've never expected that. Not in a million years, the idea of communicating through sings would've come to my head. But it was obvious that they wouldn't give you the number and would out some product placement in it. 

Luckily, I already had the App so I just opened it and the first Playlist that was pinned on Top didn't have a name and was completely empty. I didn't recall making it so it was probably the soulmate one. 

I clicked on name and was pretty surprised when you could only use four characters. What is wrong with this? When I clicked on the small i in the right upper corner, they told me that this was to keep your identity as secret as possible. They were right but it still was weird. That was too little. For me, it was practical because my nickname was atsu so it fit perfectly. I didn't know of others though. 

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I didn't notice the time flying by as I was listening to music. That was until I got interrupted by my cousin telling me something about Spotify and Soulmates. I didn't really understand because I was still listening to music. 

After he explained everything to me, I was more than confused. He was joking, right? 

It turned out that Komori was right. It was pretty ridiculous, communicating through songs. I would still do it. There was nothing to lose after all. 

When I opened Spotify, I saw an unnamed Playlist. Komori told me that my 'soulmate' would have the words I'll write here as name for the Playlist and that I should probably put my name in it. So I just typed my first name Kiyoomi in. I put a space at the end like I always do, it was just a reflex by now and pressed enter. What I didn't realize and what Komori definitely should have told me was that I was only able to set four characters. I couldn't change it after I pressed enter so I was stuck with the last three letters of my first name. Omi sounded pretty ridiculous. My soulmate would have to live with that though. 

After that failed attempt of giving me a name, I could have gone with Saku or something like this if it wasn't for this weird nickname, I went to the kitchen to make some dinner because I was already starving. 

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