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Lunch was awkward. Usually, Osamu and Akagi would sit together but now that they broke up this wasn't possible anymore. I still sat with Suna and Noya and Osamu would join us. Even though Osamu didn't know that Suna was his soulmate, it was still awkward. I told Noya and Suna about Osamu and Akagi breaking up and they told me that it wasn't my fault and that Akagi was a huge asshole. They also comforted Osamu and told him how he deserved better. And soon enough, all the awkward tension was gone.

On the other side of the Cafeteria, Akagi and Komori sat together. They happily chatted but you could see how pained Komori looked. I guess he felt bad for taking away Akagi from Osamu but it wasn't really his fault. It was mine and Akagi's.

Sakusa didn't even show up to lunch anymore. I guess he didn't want to pick a side. Honestly, I wouldn't want to either.

☆*: .。.。.:*♫*: .。.。.:*☆

After Komori texted his soulmate for the first time. everything happened too fast. At first, Akagi didn't want to talk to him. It didn't really surprise Komori and he was fine with it. He just wanted to at least once talk to his soulmate.

What happened next surprised both of us. Akagi broke up with his boyfriend. Komori felt really guilty and it took me ages to convince him that it wasn't his fault. Why would someone break up with their significant other just because of something the government told them that they weren't supposed to be together? If you really loved someone, you wouldn't do that. He didn't even know anything about Komori. He could have been an asshole for all he knew.

I talked to Atsu the other day. He felt guilty for what he did and how he regretted what he did. He also told me how his brother forgave him and is slowly getting over Akagi. That was good. It didn't seem like Akagi would come back to him any time soon. And even if, he deserved better. Akagi just dropped him as soon as his soulmate contacted him. No one in love would do that.

On the other side, I was really happy for Komori. He finally found his soulmate and actually had a decent chance with him. He was happy and that made me happy. Sure, Akagi was an asshole but he made Komori happy. Maybe he had another reason to break up with Osamu. Not very likely but possible.

In other words, I had a split opinion. I didn't think that what Akagi did was right but I didn't hate him either. That made eating lunch in the Cafeteria impossible for me because deciding to sit with either Komori or Atsumu would mean picking a side. And sitting alone wasn't really a choice either.

Lucky for me, there were clubs that you could join during the breaks. So now I would cook every Monday, play chess every Tuesday and Thursday and take care of the school garden every Wednesday and Friday.

Sure, there were probably better alternatives but this one seemed to be the easiest right now.

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