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A few weeks passed since Sakusa asked me if I liked someone. We have spent way more time together and became way closer. I don't know how it happened but somewhere in between, I caught feelings for him. I've fallen in love with a guy that wasn't only already in love with someone else but also wasn't my soulmate.

It hurt. It really did. I should have focused on my soulmate instead of falling in love with a guy whose heart already belonged to someone else. But stupid me had to fall in love with someone that wasn't destined to be with me.

I should probably try to forget Sakusa and try to fall in love with Omi instead. It worked for Akagi so why wouldn't it work for me?

But in order to forget Sakusa, I would have to distance myself from him and that was the last thing I wanted to do. I didn't care if we were friends, lovers or something else. I just wanted to spend time with him. I didn't want to lose whatever we had. Because sometimes it felt like he liked me back. But that was probably just my optimistic self and fragile heart speaking. I didn't want to get hurt and I knew that rejection would. Sakusa wouldn't drop our friendship if I told him. But I knew that things would be different. And I didn't want anything to change. I liked the way it was right now.

I decided that I should just ask my brother. He always knew how to help me. And even if he didn't, he would let me rant and then try to cheer me up. Osamu really was an amazing person.

"Hey Osamu, could you talk with me for a second, I need advice," I said as soon as Osamu arrived home. Luckily, he didn't bring Suna with him. I didn't want to tell more than one person about my unlucky crush on a guy that wasn't my soulmate.

"Sure, what do you want?" Osamu asked. "I'm in love with a guy that isn't my soulmate and that is in love with his," I replied. "That sucks. Who is it?" Osamu asked. "Sakusa," I responded. "Wait, who is his soulmate?" Osamu said. "I don't know. He didn't tell me. He just said that his soulmate doesn't like him back," I answered. "Are you sure he isn't your soulmate? I know Omi doesn't really sound like Sakusa but maybe it's a nickname or something," Osamu replied. "100 percent sure. Nobody has ever called him that before and if I was, he would've told me by now," I responded. "True. I can't really help you but maybe try to find out who his soulmate is. And please tell your soulmate that you're already in love with someone else. He deserves to know," Osamu said. "Will do. Thanks for listening to me," I replied.

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