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Today was Saturday and I hated Saturdays. Don't get me wrong, I really liked weekends and the fact that you didn't need to go to school but Akagi would come over every single Saturday and then sleep over. Sometimes he would even come over Fridays and then stay until Sunday and sometimes even Monday. The worst part was that they would act all lovey-dovey the entire time. I wouldn't have a single minute without hearing them sweet-talk, make out or do something equally annoying.

I needed to get out of here as soon as possible. I quickly added the song Hey by Julez Sky to the Playlist I share with my soulmate before heading out. I decided to go to the park to think about how I wanted to spend my day.

I knew that I could ask Suna and Noya to continue to work on the project but all the stuff was at home and I surely didn't want to go back alone nor could I ask Suna and Noya to come over. It would just hurt Suna to see his soulmate making out with somebody else. Besides, they probably had something planned already.

I just walked through the park, looking around when I spotted two familiar-looking guys. They both went to our school but we didn't share any classes. One of them was the guy I gave the Strawberry mentos to. But would it be weird if I just walked over and talked to them? Probably. Would I still do it? Definitely.

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I was walking through the park with Komori when a random person came over to us and said "Hey,". At first, I was really confused but then I recognized them. They were the person who bought all the mentos and then put one of the packages into my backpack. I wasn't too sure about the last part though.

"Hello. What brings you here?" I asked. "I try to escape my brother and his annoying boyfriend and my soulmate doesn't respond so I decided to walk around. That's when I saw you two," they explained. That made me remember that I didn't check the Playlist today. Atsu probably already said hey and I didn't see it. I would definitely respond to him as soon as I got home.

"Okay, but do we know each other?" Komori asked. "I was the guy that put a package of Mentos in your backpack the other day. You looked like you wanted to kill me when I bought all of them so I decided to be nice and gave you one," he explained. Komori looked more than confused but the guy didn't seem to care.

"So what's your name?" Komori asked. "It's Atsumu, Miya Atsumu," he replied. Atsumu like Atsu? Could it be that this guy was my soulmate? That would explain the black licorice and Strawberry Mentos combi. Komori seemed to notice it as well. But he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut. He knew that I didn't want to tell Atsu that we were soulmates just now.

"My name is Komori Motoya," Komri said. Atsu seemed to realize something. Did he find out that we were soulmates? But then again, I didn't introduce myself so how would he know? "Is your soulmate's name Akagi?" Atsu asked Komori. He knew Komoris soulamte? "You know him?" Komori asked. "He's my twins' boyfriend," Atsu responded. Komori frowned at that. Who wouldn't? His soulmate was in a relationship and you could see the two making out almost every day in school.

"I can give you Akagi's number if you want to," Atsu offered. "But he's in a relationship," Komori protested. "Did I say date him? No. Please still try to make Akagi fall in love with you, I don't like seeing them together," Atsu responded. "Fine," Komori agreed. He handed Atsu his phone which quickly put in the number before handing it back to Komori.

"I'll go home now," Atsu said. "Bye," I responded. "We'll see you in school Monday," Komori said. We then walked home as well.

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