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After I woke up today, I immediately stood up and got dressed quickly. I would usually stay in bed until I needed to go to school because I would always stay up late and therefore be tired. But today I didn't care. I wanted to buy some strawberry mentos at the supermarket nearby and this as soon as possible.

When I finally reached the sweet section, I saw that all the strawberry mentos were already sold out. It was the end of the week so it made sense, still, it sucked. Now I had to buy them in school where they were sold out all the time. The chances of me getting some were really small and I knew that somebody would hate me for buying them.

On my way back home, I bought some bread rolls. Samu and I would usually get them on our way to school but I was already here so why not buy them right away? Samu would definitely thank me for that later.

On our way to school, Samu, of course, talked to his boyfriend so I just put in my AirPods and listened to music. It was still too early for me so I didn't text my soulmate and just listened to music.

Once we were in school, we had a ton of boring lessons before the great break finally started. Thankfully, our teacher ended two minutes earlier because they needed to talk to some students about extra homework or something like this and I could leave already.

Samu stayed back because Akagi did as well and they spend every minute together now. I think it was their way to deal with the whole not-soulmate situation. They were so sure that they were destined to be together although I always told them otherwise. But they, of course, didn't listen to me. It wasn't my problem though, I told them and now they could deal with this alone.

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Today in school I was going to buy my favourite snack, strawberry flavoured mentos in the Caféteria but when I finally reached the counter, they were already sold out. Someone was faster than me and bought all of them. They didn't even leave one package for me.

I scanned the room and quickly spotted someone with three whole packages at their table. They were happily chatting with their twin and someone who looked like the twin's partner while eating something that looked like black licorice. That was definitely a weird combination but who was I to judge someone else's taste in food even if this was very questionable. 

I wanted to go to the table and tell them that they shouldn't buy that many sweets if they didn't eat them but they wouldn't listen anyway so I just sat down with Komori at the other end of the Caféteria. Yet, I couldn't help but death glare them and I think they noticed. I didn't care though, they should know that someone was mad at them for doing this.

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I was about to eat my first package of strawberry mentos when I felt someone stare at me and there they were, at the other end of the caféteria, death glaring me. They probably wanted to buy some strawberry mentos but because I bought them all, they couldn't.

I felt bad so I decided to leave one package in their backpack once I came by their table. It would be the end of the break and it would be crowded so they wouldn't notice.

As said so done, the stranger now had a free package of strawberry mentos. I really hoped they would appreciate my nice gesture when they saw the mentos and really wanted them and didn't death glare me for some other reason. Now it was too late anyway. 

Spotify - soulmate au, SakuAtsuWhere stories live. Discover now