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After I found out that Atsumu was in fact my soulmate, I decided to ask him if he liked someone right now. I didn't want to confess before I knew that I had a decent chance. Better be safe than sorry.

"So, have you figured out who your soulmate is yet?" I asked Atsu. We were currently sitting on a table tennis table. We were playing a few minutes ago. "Nope, but to be honest, I don't really want to figure it out right now," he replied. "Why not?" I asked. "I don't know. I just feel like I don't need to know. In the beginning, I told myself that I would fall in love with him but maybe I won't. I know that I can be happy without him. Sure, a relationship would be nice but I don't feel like I need one, you know. And I don't feel like that person needs to be my soulmate. Sure, he seems nice but I don't really know him that much so yeah," Atsu stated. Not gonna lie, that hurt. "Okay," I said.

"What about your soulmate?" Atsu asked. "I like him. I fell in love with my soulmate. And I know who he is in real life. But I know that he doesn't like me back," I confessed. Atsu luckily didn't connect the lines. I wasn't ready for him to figure out my feelings just yet. I wouldn't mind it too much but I'd rather not face rejection just yet.

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Sakusa seemed to be a little sad. It must suck to be in love with someone and know that they don't like you back. I really wanted to cheer him up, seeing him sad hurt. He was always happy. I don't think I've ever seen him not smiling. Well except the first time we met and today.

But how was I supposed to cheer him up? We didn't know each other that well yet. Sure, we talk a lot and hang out at least once a week but that was it. I really wanted to get to know him better though. Sakusa was a really nice person.

I kind of feel bad because I show way more interest in a guy I knew for a little more than a month than my own soulmate. Especially now that he showed interest and started talking to me more. But Sakusa was just way more interesting and I could talk to him normally and didn't need to spend hours searching for a song to communicate with him. Urgh, why did this have to be so complicated?

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