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About a month had passed since Osamu and Akagi broke up. From what I knew from Atsu and Komori, they still haven't talked. They avoid each other as much as possible. To be honest, I would probably do the same thing. Just imagine that your partner of over a year breaks up with you because of another person they've only known for three days. And them getting together just a week afterwards just like Akagi and Komori did. It would hurt, right?

But Osamu was doing alright. He got over Akagi. I think that Suna helped him with that. Atsu told me that they were soulamtes. He also told me that Osamu didn't know though. Suna didn't want Osamu to feel like he needed to be with him just because they were soulmates.

Now that I thought about it, I wanted Atsu to like me because of me and not because a stupid app told him that we were destined to be together. I never believed in this soulamte thing but Atsu was just an amazing person and I guess I fell for him.

I knew that Atsu liked Omi, or at least I guess he did. But I didn't know if he liked Sakusa. I didn't even know if Atsumu and Atsu were the same person. I was pretty sure they were but for all I knew I could have fallen in love with two completely different people. Not that this would be bad in any way but I really wanted to know.

But how was I supposed to find out if they were the same person? I didn't want to ask Atsumu because I wanted him to like me because of me and not because of the fact that we were soulmates. He probably wouldn't, looking at everything that happened with his brother but I still didn't want to tell him. I would tell him eventually but right now I didn't want to.

I could just look at his phone the next time we were hanging out. We did at least once a week and often listened to music while we did so checking if we were soulmates wouldn't be that hard. I jsut needed to ask him if I could add a few songs to the queue and then look if there was a Playlsit with my name and everything should be alright.

So when we met up on Thursday, I told him that my battery was dead so he would play the music on his phone. I then asked him if I could add a few songs to the queue. He wanted me to tell him the songs so he could do it himself but I could convince him to let me add the songs myself. So far so good. I added two songs to the queue so he woudln't be suspicious and then clicked on "Your Library". And jsut like I guessed, the top Playlist had the name "OMI" and the exact same songs like mine. Now I knew for sure that he was my soulamte.

Spotify - soulmate au, SakuAtsuWhere stories live. Discover now