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After the thoughts of last night, I decided to talk to Osamu today after school and apologize for trying to ruin his relationship. I would also talk to Suna and Komori and tell them that they should maybe not try to end my brother's relationship. It would hurt them. Of course, it would, they were soulmates after all. But they had to find someone else. Soulmates didn't determine who you love and who you don't. My brother was living proof for that.

When I walked down into the kitchen, I was painfully reminded that I tried to ruin the thing that made my brother smile so bright. Sure, I didn't like Akagi but my brother and his happiness were more important. And to be honest, they were kind of cute together.

"Morning guys," I greeted them. My brother seemed shocked at first but then smiled. Maybe being nice to Akagi wasn't that bad after all. Osamu surely liked the thought of us getting along. Maybe I really was being a bit too hard on Akagi. I mean, he did make my brother happy so maybe he wasn't that bad after all.

After we walked to school, we said goodbye and headed to our classes. We wouldn't eat lunch together today because they both had one free period just before the lunch break so they usually went somewhere and came back after the lunch break's over to attend the last few classes of the day.

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After the last period before lunch break finally ended, I went to the Cafeteria to go and look for Atsu. I still wasn't that sure if he was actually my soulmate but it didn't hurt anyone if I spend time with Atsumu trying to figure that out. I immediately spotted him, sitting at a table with two people I haven't really seen before. To be honest, I expected him to sit with his twin and his twin's boyfriend but they somehow weren't here today. If I knew that before, Komori probably would have joined us. I still decided to walk over and say hello.

"Hello, Sakusa, how are you doing?" Atsu asked me when I approached them. "I'm alright, I was just wondering if I could eat lunch with you guys, Komori kind of ditched me and I don't want to eat alone," I replied. "Sure, Suna and Noya were just telling me about Noya's soulmate and the fact that they live about two hours away," Atsu said. "Well, that sucks. My soulmate probably lives close by," I responded without thinking. "Mine too," Suna commented with a sad tone. The other two slightly frowned at that. I guess Suna wasn't lucky with their soulmate. Just like Komori.

"Have you met your soulmate before? 'Cause you know that they live close by and stuff," Atsu asked me, changing the topic. "I think I know who they are, I'm not that sure though," I replied. "Well, good luck finding out. I wish I knew who my soulmate was. He's really nice when he tries to be and I would love to meet him in real life," Atsu said and I felt my heart flutter. "I'm sure you'll meet him one day," I assured. "Thank you. I hope you find out if that person is your soulmate," Atsu responded "I think I already did," I stated.

If Atsu was smart enough to put the pieces together, he would know that I was his soulmate but I doubted that. He was smart, that was for sure but sometimes he was a bit oblivious. From the faces of Suna and Noya, I could tell that they figured it out immediately but that was probably because they weren't directly involved. You often overlooked things when you were directly involved. If I'm being honest, I probably wouldn't have figured it out either.

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