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I didn't really want to go to school today. It was Monday and the rejection still hurt. It was only yesterday that Atsu told me that he was in love with someone else. He did not only have a crush on that person but was in love with them. Maybe I would see them hanging out today. I didn't really want to see that but it would be suspicious if I didn't show up to school. I wasn't ready to face Atsu yet but at least he didn't know that I was his soulmate. We could still stay friends and that was enough for me. 

When I arrived at school, I saw Atsu waiting at the entry. My first thought was that he was waiting for me but then I remembered that he was in love with some other guy. I, therefore, decided to just walk past him. He could do whatever he wanted. It was his life after all. 

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I felt very relieved after I told my soulmate that I was in love with Sakusa. I also felt guilty but I tried to push that feeling aside. My soulmate had to find out at some point and it wasn't fair to keep something like that from him. 

I was waiting for Sakusa at the entry but he walked past me, ignoring me completely. I tried to convince myself that he just didn't see me but I knew that it was a lie. He was clearly ignoring me. 

I decided to just ignore it. I wouldn't see him today but maybe that was a good thing. I had to remember that he liked his soulmate who wasn't me. How I wish he was. That would make things so much easier. He wouldn't get hurt, I wouldn't get hurt. But this was the real world so we would both end up heartbroken. 

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Today was Monday so I would have cooking club with Osamu. At least I didn't have to see Atsu but they were identical twins so I would constantly be reminded of Atsu and how he basically rejected me. 

"Hey Sakusa, how's it going?" Osamu greeted me after I walked into class. "I'm alright," I replied but Osamu didn't believe me. "You clearly aren't okay. You avoided Atsu this morning and you look like you didn't get enough sleep last night," Osamu said. "You got me," I responded. I didn't want to tell him about the whole rejection thing. The chances of Atsu finding out were too big. 

"So what happened? Did you get rejected by your soulmate or why are you so sad?" he asked. That could have been a lucky guess but something told me that Osamu knew something I didn't. "Why do you ask when you know already?" I responded. "I wasn't sure. Still aren't," Osamu replied. "What's there not to understand. My soulmate aka the guy I like aka your brother rejected me because he's in love with someone else," I said. Osamu didn't look shocked by any of that. He knew already. And if he knew the chances of Atsu knowing as well were high. 

"Tell him," Osamu said. "I just got rejected and you want me to tell Atsu just to get rejected once again?" I asked. "You won't get rejected this time, I promise," Osamu replied. "If you don't tell him, I will," he added. "Okay fine, I'll do it," I said.

I messaged Atsu telling him to meet me at the park where we played table tennis a few weeks ago. He replied immediately saying that he would go there as soon as school ended. Now it was too late. 

As soon as school ended I hurried to the park. Atsu was waiting already, playing some game on his phone. "You wanted to meet me?" he asked, putting his phone away. "Yeah. You probably know already but I am your soulmate. You deserve to know," I said. It felt good to tell him, but now he would reject me again and never talk to me again. 

"I wish," Atsu replied. He immediately clasped his hand over his mouth as if had said something he shouldn't have. "I'm not kidding, Atsu. You are my soulmate," I said. His eyes widened. He probably recognized the nickname. 

After a moment of Atsu looking at me in pure shock, he pulled his phone out and did something on it. I was about to complain when I got a notification on my phone. I open it to find out that Atsu added a new song to the playlist. I Love You by Blewbird

"Are you kidding me?" I asked him. "I'm not. I like you and now that I know that you are my soulmate and like me as well I decided to tell you how I feel about you," he replied. So Osamu was right. He somehow figured out that we were soulmates and knew that Atsu loved me and that I loved my soulmate. 

I took out my phone and added the songs I Love You Too by Ezra Bell and Date? by Boy Apollo. Atsu looked at his phone, smiled and added Yes by Coldplay. I smiled as well as I added <3 by Vi. Atsu replied with <3 by Carter James. Maybe this Spotify thing wasn't that bad after all. 

Spotify - soulmate au, SakuAtsuWhere stories live. Discover now