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When I arrived at home and unpacked my backpack, a package of strawberry Mentos fell out. I was confused because I normally don't carry sweets or food in general in my backpack. I would usually put them in my Bento or eat them right away. So what were they doing there? Could it be that the egoistic kid who bought all the Mentos saw me death glaring at them and decided to give me one of their Mentos? When I think back, I saw them walking past our table at the end of the break but I was too focused on Komori telling me something about his favourite anime that I didn't really pay attention. Maybe that kid wasn't that bad after all. If I saw them again, I would definitely thank them for the Mentos. I just hope that it really was them who gave me the Mentos.

My thoughts trailed off to my soulmate. What was he doing right now? Did he try to contact me again? I checked my Spotify to see that he did twice. First, he added the song Hey by Julez Sky and after a while, he added Hello? by Clairo, Rejjie Snow. I now felt guilty for not replying. I quickly added Hello by OMFG. He replied immediately by adding Favourite Colour by Wild Pink. I had to think about that. I really liked black but some people say it isn't a real colour and I really didn't want to have that conversation with my soulmate over a Playlist where you couldn't really communicate with each other so I just added the song blue by Kamal.. Blue was a pretty colour as well.

Next, I added You? by Two Feet. He then added Yellow by Coldplay. I really like the song and I would be lying if I said that I didn't listen to it on repeat from time to time.

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So his favourite colour is blue? I would have guesses black although I don't know if that's a real colour. I don't really care about it though. Maybe he was one of the people that don't think black is a colour but maybe he just likes blue better. Now that I think about it, many people like the colour blue. It's pretty and all but when I first saw his answer, my mind went to the song Meteor Shower by Cavetown. I really loved that song and I'll probably listen to it more often, now that I kind of relate to it. I really wanted to show Omi the song but he would probably think that I was flirting with him again and then he would be annoyed and I didn't want that. I just put on the song on repeat and laid in my bed, looking at the ceiling. I would probably stay like this until Samu and Akagi came home. Right now they were either on a date or fucking at Akagi's place. They still couldn't accept that they weren't meant for each other. One day they would see how wrong they were and break up. I was definitely looking forward to that day.

Spotify - soulmate au, SakuAtsuWhere stories live. Discover now