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After lunch, we had a double-period mathematics. It was actually pretty easy, for me, at least. After that, we had a free period before we had ethics before we would be able to go home. Samu, Akagi and I headed to the Caféteria where Suna and Noya were already sitting. They were talking and didn't see us enter. Samu, of course, started sweet-talking with Akagi so I decided to go over to Suna and Noya. If they wanted me to go again, I would.

"I'm so sorry for you, that your soulmate's already in a relationship really sucks. Especially, when you see them making out all the time," Noya told Suna. I felt bad for eavesdropping so I cleared my throat to make them notice me. They did and the moment they realized that I heard what they said, Suna began to blush and Noya apologized to Suna. 

I was more than confused but slowly the pieces connected. "Oh my gosh," I exclaimed but Suna quickly covered my mouth. "Don't tell him, please," he said. "I won't, don't worry but please try to get him out of that relationship," I replied. "I wish I could but they seem so happy," Suna responded, eyeing Samu and Akagi making out. "Nah," I stated and Noya started laughing. "Don't laugh, please," Suna replied, burning his face in his hands. "I still can't believe it," I said. "Me neither," Suna agreed. 

"You need to tell me how you came up with that name though," I said after a while. "Your brother showed you, didn't he?" Suna asked, looking up. "Yeah, it's funny," I replied. "That was my fault," Noya interrupted. "How that?" I asked. "I opened my letter before he did so he didn't know about the whole Spotify thing. I then borrowed his phone and gave him that name," Noya explained. 

"And why did you do that? Just to tease him?" I asked. "Yes but there is a reason why I picked that name," Noya explained. "Continue," I said. "You know, when Suna is in crowded places, he is kind of scared but also happy and relaxed. It's a weird mix, I can't really explain, basically the symptoms of weed consumption. So one day we were at this festival together and this guy came up to us and asked Suna if he was high. This happened a few times before but he just ignored it, not this time though. He told the guy that he was on weed and offered him an average brownie he carried in his backpack for some reason and gave it to the dude, saying it was a hashbrown and it kind of became some kind of inside joke," Noya explained. "okay. Well, thanks for telling me but I need to go now, Ethics," I replied. "Okay, see you in a few days," Suna said as he and Noya waved. I think I just made new friends. 

Spotify - soulmate au, SakuAtsuWhere stories live. Discover now