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Chess turned out to be something I really enjoyed playing. I wasn't that good at it yet but I knew that I would improve if I practised enough. Maybe I could convince Komori to play with me, he used to play it all the time. But that was over five years ago so maybe he stopped liking it. Asking wouldn't hurt.

Gardening was fun as well although I enjoyed playing chess way more. For some reason, Atsu joined the gardening club or whatever it was called as well. With him, it was way more fun. We talked about random things while weeding and watering the plants and time passed far too quickly. Atsu surprisingly knew a lot about plants. He told me that he always took care of their garden together with his mother since he was about five while his father and his brother cooked.

Talking about his brother. After he and Akagi broke up, he joined the cooking club. Atsu told me that he used to spend the break with Akagi but now that they broke up, Osamu wanted to spend his break doing something he enjoyed.

I couldn't really understand him. Sure, cooking was fun but cooking the same thing over and over again was boring and you could use the time doing something way more fun like for example playing chess. But Osamu seemed to enjoy it so who was I to judge?

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I somehow found out that Sakusa joined the gardening club and immediately joined. I've always wanted to join this club because I really enjoy gardening but without other people, gardening was only half the fun.

I also wanted to get to know Sakusa better. I think we were friends but we didn't know that much about each other. He seemed to know me quite well though. But I guess that was just because I was an open book.

Osamu and Akagi still didn't talk. That was good though, Osamu still wasn't completely over him. He is doing way better though. He and Suna hug out yesterday. They hang out a lot more recently. I'm happy for them. I think they can make each other happy. If as friends or lovers, I don't really care. If there's one thing I've learned from the whole Akagi story, it is that Soulmates don't define who you can love and who you can't. You don't have to fall in love with your soulmate. You don't even need to find them. It's just a person that you will get along with quite well. Whether that's romantic or platonic. That's all your decision.

Speaking of soulmates, I didn't really talk to mine in a while. I've been busy spending time with Osamu but also Suna and Noya and Sakusa. Sakusa reminded me of Omi in many ways. Just that he was way more affectionate and seemed as if he really enjoyed talking to me. We even exchanged numbers and are now texting on a regular basis. I'm really glad I found a friend in him.

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