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Today in Chemistry, we had to work in groups. I was assigned to work with two brown-haired boys. One bleached one tuft blonde. He was clearly the more annoying one of the two. The other one was the guy that looked over at Osamu from time to time. He probably had a crush on my fear brother and I really wanted him to confess. Akagi was no good for my brother. His favourite food is string cheese, what else do I have to say? 

"Suna is really good at chemistry so we can rely on him. We need to do something as well because otherwise, he won't do anything either," the shorter one said. I just realized how small he actually was. I wouldn't dare to mock him though. Short people were often short-tempered and I didn't want to affect the group dynamics. "Okay," I agreed and Suna just shrugged. He probably wasn't that much of a talker. 

We would need to meet up after school to finish the project and the both decided that we would meet at my house. Well, Noya decided, Suna just agreed. He didn't seem to care. 

After school, we went to my place, we wanted to start as soon as possible. Noya talked all the time and told me about things they did together. They turned out to be best friends since birth and the memories they had together were really funny. 

At one point my brother came back with his boyfriend. They were showing too much PDA and both Noya and Suna looked really annoyed. I was as well. "Don't mind my stupid brother and his boyfriend. Samu won't listen to me when I tell him that he should break up with that guy. They just don't fit together. Hell, they aren't even soulmates," I exclaimed leaving the two guys in front of me shocked. They exchanged a knowing look before they continued working. "What was that look for?" I asked but neither answered. Weird. 

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Today my soulmate didn't chat with me and I couldn't help but overthink. Did I do something to piss him off? He most probably got sick of me. I wasn't one to talk much and I've always been cold. So why would he chat with me? 

But maybe he was just busy. He had his own life after all. I couldn't expect him to always have time for me. That would be weird, especially, since I never texted him. Maybe I should start now. I could just say hi. It wouldn't take me anything and I would be able to chat with him. It would be so easy. 

So why didn't I do it? I picked up my phone just to lay it back down. If I texted him first that would mean that I accepted him as my soulmate and assigned life partner and I couldn't do that. He would have false hope. Hope that we would meet one day, hope that we would fall in love, hope that we would get together. Hope that was nothing else but hope. That's at least what I told myself. In reality, I was just afraid of rejection but who would admit something like that? 

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