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After school ended, I headed home and did my homework, waiting for Osamu to come home. I needed to talk to him before it was too late. I already told Suna about my change in mind and how I didn't want him to ruin my brother's relationship anymore. He luckily never actually planned on doing so. He thought it was immoral. Maybe I should've listened to him.

After Osamu finally arrived, I greeted him like usual. He kind of seemed washed out but I didn't really pay attention to that. I just wanted to apologize right now.

"What did you want to talk about?" Osamu asked. "I wanted to apologize. I'm sorry that I always tried to ruin your's and Akagi's relationship. I hope you can forgive me," I said. Osamu's smile dropped. "It doesn't matter anyway, we broke up today. We aren't soulmates and we'll never be. We have someone else we should be with," Osamu responded. "No, no, no. Don't think that. You two are really, really cute together. This whole soulmate thing is just something the government made up to make money. It's just the name of a freaking Playlist," I argued. "Even if it is, Akagi found his soulmate and ditched me because of it," Osamu replied.

"I'm so sorry," I said. "Don't be, it's not your fault," Osamu responded. "But it is. I gave Akagi's number to his soulmate. I'm sorry," I replied. "Why did you do that?" Osamu asked. He looked hurt. "I wasn't thinking, okay? I just wanted you to be happy," I tried to defend myself. "I was happy with Akagi," Osamu said. I think he was crying.

"I know, and I wanted to apologize and tell you that I'm going to stop being such a dick," I responded. "Well now it's a little too late, don't you think?" Osamu said. "Yes, I know and I'm sorry," I replied. "It's okay. It's not really your fault. The breakup just really hurts," Osamu responded. "Yes, it is my fault. I'm so sorry for causing you all this pain. I know that apologizing doesn't make up for it but at least you know that I regret what I did. I hope you'll forgive me one day," I said. "No, it's not your fault. Akagi was the one who decided to break up with me. Besides, it would have happened sooner or later anyway. You just shortened that time. To be honest, I'm kind of glad that it's over. If Akagi can replace me that easily, he probably never loved me. And of course, I'll forgive you. Yes, you really messed up big time but at the end of the day, you're my brother and I could never hate you. Just make dinner today and be there for me," Osamu replied. "Okay, I will be the best brother ever," I said before hugging Osamu and rushing downstairs to prepare dinner.

I was really glad that Osamu forgave me. For Akagi, I now disliked him even more. I really tried to be nice to him when he and Osamu were still together but now that they broke up, I could hate him all I want. I just hoped that Osamu would be able to forget this dumbass soon. He shouldn't be broken-hearted because of someone like Akagi.

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