During lunch time at work the following day, Rose decided to go to the cafeteria for lunch. Since she got a position as marketing director in the firm, she always ate her lunch in the office because of tight schedules and she also realised that the cafeteria had become a gossip hub for many of the workers and therefore didn't want to be corrupted by them. She got her food and sat at the far end of the cafeteria, almost at the corner where she was not likely to be seen by those around. Kirk also decided to eat at the same spot.
"We happen to have some things in common, may I sit?...oh yes, sure. What do we have in common?...solitude...hahaha yeah, you're right, I didn't think you would come out of your office till we closed...yeah, I wanted to eat here today, it's been awhile I did...me too, that reminds me, how was your date with Sis.Pearl yesterday?...I thought you wouldn't ask... you wanted me to?...well yeah, don't mind me. It was okay but we didn't really take long, I came up with an excuse so we could leave early...you did? why?...to be honest, I'm not comfortable in her company...okay, your sister doesn't seem to like her...I know right and Maggie isn't someone to pretend about her feelings...that, I'm aware of...and you, heard from Erasmus?...hmmm...is everything okay? you can talk to me...it's nothing really serious, he came to my place yesterday in the morning to serenade me, with some friends of his and they were all drunk...he did that? he must really like you...well, maybe he does but his approach is wrong...how do you feel about men coming close to you?...after what happened to me, I was afraid of men, all men, I was only comfortable with Erasmus because I thought he could never do anything to me...I see_but you didn't seem to be afraid of me when I met you...yes I wasn't, there was and still is this kind of aura around you, I can't explain it but I felt somewhat at peace and when you smiled, it was genuine...mmm interesting, now that you have forgiven Richard, are you still scared? you told me the nightmares are over...yes they are over, I sleep very soundly now, like a baby, that I have to discipline myself to even wake up early. And about being scared, I'm not really sure, no one has tried anything intimate with me except the night Erasmus tried and that made me not want to even get close to him..." he reached out and placed his hands on hers on the table
"Rose, you have to completely heal from the trauma. The healing process already begun when you decided to forgive but there's a conscious effort you have to make to forget completely what happened and put your fear of men away for good, remember that God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind, let yourself love wholeheartedly and be loved...I'm trying...no, no, no, that's why it's been difficult, you don't have to try, just let the Holy Spirit take over, let go of the wheels to him; you have done so with your life but not with all of your emotions, let go and open up your heart to love, okay?...okay, I will...good, let's finish up here, I'm sure you have a lot to do...yeah but this was worth it, I'm glad I came here for lunch otherwise I wouldn't have heard these words. Thank you Kirk...my pleasure". They finished up and headed to their offices, Rose locked the door behind her and begun to sob as she talked to the Holy Spirit
"Precious Holy Spirit, I'm sorry for not completely willing my emotions to you, I thought I had but Kirk made me see today that I actually didn't, I'm tired of feeling so self conscious when I'm alone and being highly alert when I'm around a man. From this day, I declare that not only are you Lord of my life but of my emotions, my will and thoughts and of every other aspect of my life. I declare that I have joy unspeakable, full of glory and I have no cares in the world, I declare that I am loved, I feel loved and I give love as well, I declare that_that I'm pure and unscarred, I'm the most beautiful thing the world has ever seen. Thank you Holy Spirit" still sobbing she fell into a deep slumber after that encounter and she saw her heart being operated on while she slept, it was like a vision. She woke up feeling more light hearted and started laughing to herself "It's done, it's done, thank you sweet Spirit of God".
She rushed to Kirk's office to inform him "Kirk, it is done, my heart is mended...Okay, calm down, have you been crying? sit first and explain well...I was but I'm okay, when we parted ways I locked my office and spoke to the Holy Spirit about what you told me and I put him in charge of my emotions. After that, I fell into a deep sleep and saw that my heart was under operation but I didn't see anything else till I woke up and realised my heart felt lighter...wow, praise the Lord...hallelujah...you have to share this testimony, I'm inspired, I've not really heard such a testimony before, It's one of a kind...I'm so excited...oh yes I can definitely see that, come here, I'm so happy for you" he was giving her a hug when Erasmus walked in unannounced.
Hi guys, Rose is learning a lot from the word of God and from Kirk, just like her, you can put this to work in your life. You may be going through a lot and may have a lot of emotional baggage but cheer up, you've got Jesus, affirm these words just as Rose did and believe immediately that you're whole. This book is not just for entertainment but to show you that no matter what life throws at you, you can handle it with the help of the Holy Ghost and the word of God. My Man of God always says that if you stick to the word, you'll come back with a testimony and I believed it and it worked for me, it can work for you too, only believe. Keep sharing to bless someone, vote and comment as well. I love you dearly.
Heaven on Earth
SpiritualRose thought she had a good life, had it all figured out, until she lost everything, then she met Erasmus while battling with amnesia and thought maybe he was an answered prayer but it turned out he wasn't the one to help her in her walk of faith. A...