Chapter 65

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"Madara Uchiha." It said my name mockingly and I simply could find myself insulted. Kaguya's bitch doesn't scare me, especially when I know his intentions.

"And who are you?" My eyes narrowed. "Or better yet... what are you?"

He, no it, didn't seem fazed. "Our name is Zetsu, and we are here to take you to your grandfather."

"My grandfather is dead." I said looking at it.

"No he is not. He managed to revive himself using Gazo Mezo statue. He is alive, but weakened. He wish to speak to you as soon as possible."

My eyes narrowed while I was smirking inside. "Fine. Lead me to him."

"Use your Kamui." I didn't question how he knew it, just nodded.

In an instant we were inside the cave that Madara used when he tortured Obito. And Obito was waiting for me in the dark of the cave. Zetsu eyed me. "He is inside and expecting you." I nodded and entered, leaving black Zetsu outside, even if it was obvious that he would be around to watch us interact.

"My grandson, honor to finally meet you." He said. Obito, Obito, I smirked, 'just who are you truing to play with?'

"So you are supposed to be my grandfather? You look quite young to me." I arched one eyebrow while keeping my hands on my chest crossed.

He had his orange mask on, I could see nothing but his Sharingan. Still it was pointless given the fact that I knew who was behind the mask, and behind the identity of one of strongest people, along with first Indra's reincarnation. Obito Uchiha.

"Hashirama Senju killed my while in prime, when I was revived I kept my younger body." He stated.

"Yes, sure." I said amused. I could sense his irritation even few feets away from him. "By the way... if I already know who you are why not take that mask off?" This time I smirked as he narrowed his one sharingan at me.

"Who are you to order me around boy!" He snapped. "Respect your elders, especially if they are you grandparents."

I surpassed the urge to roll my eyes. "Well then, old man, what do you need from me?"

His eyes, oops eye, twitched. "Join me. Help me make a word of dreams where anyone could live life like they wanted!" Ha paused. "Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world..." he continued.

I stood in disbelief. Did he really... try to buy me with the same speech my grandafter gave him?! This was more then amusing! It was hilarious! And the worst part is that thise words were one of my favorite quotes from Naruto when I watched it. I have it basically memorized. Oh God, if there is one, please forgive him for such pitiful attempt. I tried not to laugh, I couldn't fall out of the character I built until now.

"... in this reality are marly..." he is still going?! I knew that Obito was bat-shit insane and crazy at this time, but delusional? That was a new one.

"...whenever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well. As long there..."

That was enough. I cut him off. " a concept of victors, the vanquished will also exist. The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace, initiates wars. And hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexuses causal relationships that cannot be separated. Is that right?"

He looked shocked for a moment before he narrowed his eyes. "How did you know that?" It was higher, Obito fell out of character. Good.

"I mean... *cough* *cough"* how did you know that?" Madara voice again. I rolled my one visible eye.

I pretended not to notice anything and smiled slightly. "Well dear grandfather you left that in those notes in Uchiha compound remember? Your secret place that you said to your son who told me? Did you forget it? I guess that's what death do to you." I finished with a shrug.

I could practically feel Obito swearing. Victory.
This was so entertaining. Of course there was no note or anything of sort, but how would Obito know? That's right, he wouldn't.

"A-Ah, yes. How could I forget about such a thing. Silly me."

"Fine. I'll join your little parade and plane, but I won't be leaving Konoha. Not yet." He didn't plan to, he had Neji there.

"That's alright. Soon we will start collecting Jonchuriki. I have no doubts that some members will die, that is when you take their spots officially. For now here is the cloak. There are only one of rings and they are already separated to other members, so you won't be getting one of those."

I muttered something under my breath but Obito seemed to catch it. "Geez... like those boy bands all in same clothing and matching rings."

He tilted his head slightly. "What are boy bands?"

"Don't worry about it old man. I'll take my leave now."

His eyes, sorry again, eye narrowed. "My existence is secret. Keep it that way. If not we will have to eliminate you."

Pffft. As if they could, but go off I guess. "I understand, grandfather." I bowed slightly and disappeared in Kamui.

When I got back to one of my safe houses I bursted out laughing maniacally . Oh God, if there is one, I was keeping with character too much. I needed a pause.

A vacation?

And I know the right person to go with.


I'm so sorry that it took so ling to update! I lost my account until I managed to get my e-mail back. It's still not the best given the best given the fact that I can't respond to comment.

I will update more from now on. I will most probably write at least one chapter tomorrow.

Btw check out my other story where Sasuke travelled back in time, it also got new update.

Thank you for waiting :) for all of those who waited.

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