Chapter 38

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Hyuuga compound

"Neji-san, Uchiha-sama" two Hyuuga guard welcomed

We walked together to the main familys house and knocked

"U-Uchiha-sama, N-Neji-ni-san p-please c-come in" said Hinata

"Please Hinata we have known each other for years just call me Madara"

"T-this is m-my s-sister H-Hanabi"

"It's peasure to meet you Uchiha-sama and to see you Neji-ni-san"

"Please Hanabi just stick with Madara"

"Okey M-Madara-kun" said blushing Hanabi

I smiled a smal smile before I came in.

"Madara, Neji welcome"

"Thank you for inviting me today to have dinner with your family Hiashi-san"

"Think nothing of it. Let's sit."

"Well Madara can you tell us more about yourself" asked Hiashi

"What would you like to know?" I asked

"Hmm likes, dislikes, hobbies, dream and where you see yourself in possibly five years"

"For likes training and Neji, dislikes annoyances and weaklings who doesn't know how to dance, my hobbie is training and crating new jutsus, dream world peace and making Konoha strong once again and I see nyself in five years hopefully alive."

"Well you said about world peace and making Konoha strong. How do you plan to do thet?"

"Well we first must find a proper Hokage. I hole that Tsunade becomes that because if she does not fufill my exportations I always have plan B then we need to disabell civilian council because it has too much power. Then we need to up the academy standards and to make jonin senseis do thair job. That's for start. We also need more shinobi working from shadows and doing diry bur necessary jobs. I have come to an agreement with Danzo so if you want to know more about our plans you need to get yourself involved. I have said enough for now."

"That's most impressive indeed. But aren't you too ambitious? You are just 12 after all"

"I am a prodigy. Trained by other two. I was trained since i was 5 by Itachi Uchiha and Shisui Uchiha and you have surly come to hear how great were those two. Then my perents were Devil's twins giving me great power over my sharingan. And after all my grandfather is co-founder of this very village. Ambitious is in my blood."

"You sure are something and I can see with my eyes that you are not lying either."

"I want to propose alliance with our clans."

"I wanted the same thing"

"Great if you want we can talk more pravetly later we can if you would like I will talk about what we talked today with Danzo so we can meet up and talk about future plas"

"That would be wounderful Madara"

"Now let's get back to lighter topis this is celebration after all"

"Yes yes let's"

Time scip after dinner

"Madara I want to talk to you and Danzo about Konoha"

"I will contact Danzo as soon as I get back I'm sure he will be haply to hear that. I will send my summon to deliver you message once we are done talking"

"Thenk you for coming"

"Pleasure" and with that I left Hyuuga compound.

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