Chapter 49

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"Tsunade-sama may I come in?"


"Oh it's you Madara and please I told you to call me Tsunade"

"Of course Tsunade-san"

"Well did you need something?"

"Well I was woundering when will you announce what we talked about."

"Oh yes good idea. ANBU bring me all of Konoha 13"

"Hai Hokage-sama"

"So how is it, being a Hokage?"

"It's soo boring so much paperwork"

"Hn. If I tell you the secret for paperwork what would you do?" I smirked.

"Whatever you want just please tell me"

"Whatever I want?" I asked amused


"Thet's not what I meant Tsunade-san we will talk later they are here"

"Hokage-sama" they all said

"Now I will tell you something that I and Madara as clan heads of founding clans come up with. First thing it that he, Shikamaru and Neji have to become jonin in 2 years or thay are done being a ninja. Then Kiba, Shino, Lee, Ino and TenTen will have to participate in NEXT chunin exames as four man team, and I will take as apperance Hinata and Sakura. Who will learn to be fighting medics and will entern chunin exames in year time with Choji. Does anyone has any problem with this?"

"No Hokage-sama"

"Then Dissmised"

And they left.

"Now what were you talking about?" She asked amused.

"I want to leave for 3 year training trip. I will teain myself and I will do a lot of good to our village in the meantime"

"You are one of our strongest and a clan head that will be a problem."

"I will leave Neji Hyuuga in my spot as because he is an advisor of clan head legaly he can replace me as law states for 5 years longest. And for being strongest I will come eaven stronger then I would be here so I want to leave to help the village and gain stranght that I can't here."

"Fine you have everything sorted out I will aprove it and you will come in same time as Naruto. So secret to paperwork?"

"Two words. Shadow clones" I smirked as I whatched her shocked expression she jumped and kissed me on the forehead. Oh no I am going to die. Just colm down Naruto broke the curse. Naruto broke the curse. I smiled and said goodbye and left to say goodbye to few more people.


"So you are leaving" it was a statement not a question

"Yes but only for three years and as a gift I give you a summoning contact for owls. When we both have births we can easier to communicate."

"Thank you... ototo"

"You are welcome ni-san"

He hugged me toghtly and said "be safe" softly

I said "I will and Neji I left you my seat at council because you know me the best and are legally my advicor so good luck with council in the next three years" Neji then smiled and let go of me I said goodbye once again and went to Shikamaru's place

Nara compound

Knock knock

"Shikaku go see who is it!!!"

"Trublesome woman. Who may now be?" Muttered Shikaku under his breath

He went to open the door and looked at person in front of him. Tall figure with hair styled as original Madara in similar robes that wore all chunins. Stood frame of one Madara Uchiha.

"Hmm Madara-san what are doing here does Shikamaru has a mission?"

He looked at Shikaku with emotionless eyes. But somehow Shikaku saw hidden medness in them.

"Shikaku-sama I am here to see Shikamaru before I leave"

"Non of that sama stuff we are equls, aren't we? And where are you going and why come to Shikamaru you two aren't close as far as I know?"

"You see I am going outside of the village for three years. And we were just placed on same squad but we will be on the same on when I come back. And no we weren't close but he is a one of a few persons that I can be around"

"How so may I ask?"

"He doesn't talk much like myself, is genious much like myself and is a good person who doesn't tret me like some kind of royalty that if I did some kimd of diry work I will die. And also belives in my leadership ablities. So yes he is one of very few I would call friends"

This starteled Shikaku. Of course he knew about genius Uchiha Pince. Everyone knew about Ice King of Konoha never displaying emotions. This was new to him, he could se that the boy was generous with his intentions so he said

"Come on in it's an honour to have you here Madara" and smiled

"Honour is all mine and I'm sorry for burging in without invitation.."

"No need for that Shikamaru's friends are our own. Dear we have a guest can you sat up one more seat at the table"


"Troublesome woman. Okey I will."

"Shikamaru come down NOW!"

"I'm coming mom!"

"Madara-taichu what are you doing here?"

"I am leaving the village for the next three years but I will come for jonin exames to take them together in exacly one year so train with Neji and be rady for them"

"Hai taichu"

"My crow summons can be always available to you if uou need me just put some chakra in this seal. I am going now. Goodbye"


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