Chapter 46

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Time skip because every fight went down the same

Kimimato hmm

"Natuto go and bring back Sasuke. I will deal with this one."

"B-but he looks strong."

"I am the strongest chunin in the village and jonin level ninja go I'll be okay" eaven if I don't Gaara is going to be here soon I mentally added.

"Fine. I will bring Sasuke back dattebayo!"

"Go now"

And he run off

"Hmm one from Kaguya clan I tought you all killed yourself in that attack on the Mist"

"Hm you know of my clan maybe you aren't that much of a trash"

"Hn I am not those weaklings. Your master has maybe talked about me I am Madara Uchiha"

"Well then Madara-sama my master speakes highly of you but why ate you fighting for them."

"Kimimaro you and i both know that if you fight you will die from your illnes. And I will also tell you that Sasuke and Naruto must fight. But Sasuke will win and leave village in the end."

"How would you know any of that?"

"I know abou your bloodline limit. I don't think that I can cure your ilness but you will have more time to sreve your master if you don't die and also you will have to trust me and let Naruto and Sasuke fight. We can whatch it so you can eaven chack if Sasuke will win. And that way you won't die yet."

"Okey we have came to agreement Madara-sama if all goes as you said I will be sure to tell my master what you did for me"

"Thank you Kimimaro and please non of that sama stuff we are equls. Se can be friends and not just to use you"



"Let's go and whatc. Where will they fight?"

"At the volley of the end. Fitting don't you think?"


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