Chapter 41

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That night

"Itachi where is gaki?"

"I'm here. Now I will place silencing seal so no one outise of this circle would be able to hear and see us"

"What level are you on seals if you can do soething like that?"

"Well Ita-nii I'm currently above master"

"Impressive" said Kisame

"Indeed" said Itachi

"silencing seal:SEAL"

"Now I can talk. Akatsuki is not planing world peace. It's planing world domination. I'm positive that you both already know that." Getting nodds from both of them I continued "Pain trutly wants peace but is lost on the way to acheave it because of something that happened in his past so ge was easily manipulated. He was manipulated by another Uchiha"

"W-what Itachi didn't you kill them all?"

"The one who helped Itach to kill of the clan introduced himself to Itachi as Madara am I right?"

"How dl you know that? I didn't tell that to anyone."

"It doesn't metter. Now that person is manipulating Pain and is real leader of Akatsuki. I plan on joining. Secretly of course. I will be acting as double agent but not for Leaf village. But for my organisation."

"And what is your organisation"

"It will be called Temporal"

"Seeing the future, past and present?"

"It doesn't metter what it means to me. I will take over the Akatsuki when the time comes. I already have a spy in Leaf as well as Mist. I want you two to act as spyes in Akatsuki especially Itachi because Pain and fake Madara has taken a liking to you."

"Okey but do you know real plan of the fake Madara?"

"What am i about to tell you know just 4 persons in entire world. And one is dead. One being fake Madara, other one Zatsu and me the fourth one being real dead Madara. So what am I about to tell you never ever mention to anyone and don't eaven think about it when we are not together. Understood?"

"Hai" they replied

"Real plan with tailed bests is colled Infinite Tsukoyomi. They plan to cast an ultimate genjutsu on the moon that would caougt entire world in the world of Tsukoyomi with no way out."


"What does ir have to do with tailed beasts?"

"For that to work they need Jubi. Jubi is the ten tails that is made by combinig all nine taild beasts together. And in the past the only person ever that menage to controle it was The Sage of Six Paths. And no one from this planet come close to Gods power so it would be bad if ten tails would be here. Do you understand what am I saying?"

"We will by spies in Akatsuki. But do you know the indentity of the fake Madara?"

"Yas bit I will not tell you who is he right now. It's not that I don't trust you. But I just can't right now."

"If just three persons knew of this plan. Then how the hell do you know gaki!?" Asked Kisame

"I will tell you maybe one day. But I can't right now. Beaides you wouldn't eaven belive me. Now I mist go my summon will contact you when needed. In the Akatsuki everyone will just gather information for three years and then they will start with new Kazekage."

"And who is thet?"

"The new Kasekage will be Gaara of the sand. And Deidara and Sasori will be sent after him in three years. Goodbye for now."

And with that I disappeared in flash of black and rad.

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