Chapter 60

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Some random jonin from Iwa was talking.

"Well those who managed to come to her alive" he said as he sneered at Madara's team.

Seems like Iwa shinobi haven't gotten over all humiliating moments that they had by Konoha's hand. Good. He shared his grandfather ideals on Iwa. Madara didn't like them truly.

"Now we have one on one rounds. So first will be..."

He listed on and on people who passed. Iwa exams were pathetic if so many people managed to pass and survive.

They fought in some stupid fights against some no name chunins from Kumo, Taki and Mist. That was boring Madara's team whipped floor with them.

"Now it's time for semi-finals. Shikamaru Nara vs Kurotsuchi and Neji Hyuuga vs Madara Uchiha"

Now it was interesting. Madara and Neji set down to watch their fight.


Shikamaru tried possessing her with his shadows but she managed to dodge them. She was faster then in chunnin exames Shikamaru noted. She used a lot of earth techniques and managed to catch Shikamaru unprepared. Still Shikamaru dodged and put her in his Shadow possession jutsu.

"I call the match. I don't have any more chakra I won't survive long if I fight her." Shikamaru said carefully.

"I see. Winner Kurotsuchi"

She smirked and walked out of arena.

"Next Madara Uchiha vs Hyuuga Neji"

"Well Neji let's fight"

"Madara I know that this is a fight that I lose but I wil still try to be worthy opponent"

"That is most appreciated Neji"

"Well... if both of you are ready?" Getting nods in return protector said "Hajime!"

Madara didn't even have to move and he blocked all of his attacks. It was too easy and everyone looked at him wide eyed. He was good and he knew that. Madara smirked and kicked Neji away from him. Neji hit wall with his back hard breaking it in process. Neji bearly stood up and made his way back towards Madara. Madara dodged incoming attack by Gentle fist and hit Neji at the back of his neck. Neji fall onto ground.

"Winner is Madara Uchiha. Finals in thirty minutes after pouse. Finalists are Kurotsuchi from Iwa and Madara Uchiha from Konoha."

"Good work Madara." Said Shikamaru

"Hn" and nodded. He looked down at Neji who he was carrying and smiled slightly. "It's time to woke up" he said

Neji yawned and blushed a little standing up on his own. "I know but I wasn't the one that knocked my out blame yourself"

"Ouch. That hurt"

They both laughed and Shikamaru watched exchange in interest. Madara Ice Prince Uchiha has laughed and not cocky laugh like usually or smirk but really laughed. It was rare but precious sight to see. And Neji too. They both were very cold to anyone that tried getting close to them. All in they were comfortable in each other presence. Now he needed to get to know them and their team work would be perfect.

"Well how about we get some rest. Not that we need it but still. I am hungry this whole thing is such a drag if we don't get promoted" said Shikamaru yawning.

"Sure Shikamaru" said Neji while Madara just hn'ed.

They walked to some food shop and sat down. They were eating peacefully for about twenty minutes when they heard some familiar female voice calling out.

"Ohh look who it is Madara Uchiha. Ready to get your ass kicked this year?" She asked smirking

Neji was ready to inference but Madara stopped him.

"Oh I see that last time's beating wasn't enough. You will meet same results this year nothing has changed" he said coldly no emotion betraying his voice.

"You! How dare you?! I am much better then before while you were probably so arrogant that you weren't even training right?"

Madara just smirked. "Oh? Is that so? Well we shell see when we dance won't we? And when we do dance, and I completely destroy that little reputation this pathetic village has gained I will be laughing and you will be in tears because you couldn't keep your mouth shut" he said as sadistic smile creeped onto his face.

Everyone took a step back because of bloodlust in the air.

Kurotsuchi froze and fell on her knees. Madara walked above her making her, still on her knees, face him. He bent down and looked directly into hers eyes.

"This is not even everything I can do, and look at you, on your knees like pathetic little bitch that you are. We will dance Iwa slut and when we do... you are going to wish that you knew the steps"

He said amd walked out leaving Neji and Shikamaru shocked, passed out two of Iwa shinobi and Kurotsuchi on her knees ready to pass out as well.

Madara smirked darkly. He just couldn't wait to humiliate her in front of everybody. He just couldn't.

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