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Year 5, Holmes Chapel Uk

The ultimate challenge, nothing can hold me back. I won't let it. I can't let it. But I'm so tired, my arms feel like they're going to give out.

"Come on Ember! You can do this!"

I look behind me as best as I can, seeing him cheer me on, his bowl cut almost covering his eyes as he gives me a big thumbs up. I nod, the sweat stinging my eyes, one arm in front of the other, just two more. "52 seconds, come on Em!" The adrenaline rushes through my veins as I somehow gather the strength to reach the end, hopping on the ground and jumping with celebration.

"I did it!" I said, exhaustion lacing my voice. He ran up to me, wrapping his small arms around me as I did with my own. "You beat the monkey bar time Ember, that was so awesome!" He had a small lisp that made everything he said sound silly. "Thanks Harry" I beamed, "Wanna come with me home after school today? Mum's making cookies" The smile on his face grew wider as he nodded happily.

"Children, recess is over. Come inside!" I heard Mrs.Bailey yell from the class, I took Harry's hand in mine as we ran to the classroom.




I looked behind me, seeing Harry leaned over the small desk, pencil in hand. "What do you want?" I whisper yelled, "Can you give me the multiplication answer sheet?" I let my jaw drop, "No!" Turning back around I huffed as I heard him whisper more and more about how he'll share his lunch with me tomorrow if I did.

Not falling for that again.

After the school day was over and we handed in our quizzes, Harry ignored me as we walked through the big doors. I ran after him, grabbing his hand pouting. "Are you mad at me?"

He shook his head but looked down at the ground, "Because I didn't give you the answers?" He shrugged, "I'm sorry, here." I kissed him on the cheek, grinning when he grimaced and wiped his cheek furiously with his hands.

"Cooties, ew!!" I rolled my eyes and handed him a piece of gum, peace offering. "Let's go home, cookies are a' waiting" we walked home, kicking rocks and counting who could find the most crunchiest leaves.

I won.

We got to my house, which was right next to Harry's, and knocked on the door. My mother opened the door, it wasn't unusual for me to bring him home for a play date after school but my mum seemed stressed. "Hello Love, how was school?" She smiled, but she was rushing the conversation. "It was fun! Can Harry stay for dinner?"

My mom smiled sweetly to Harry, who waved, then back to me and shook her head. "Not today, can you come inside? We'll see you tomorrow Harry, yeah? I'll make your favorite meal" Harry nodded and sent us a goodbye, walking to his own house 10 feet away.

My mum pulled me inside, "What's wrong?" She chuckled a bit, "You're only 10 and your already a genius" she said while placing me on the couch, grabbing my backpack and putting it on the floor. "I have some news, and I'm not sure if it's good or bad news."

"You don't know?"

"It's good news for us, but you may not see it like that right now." My mum said, tucking a piece of my long hair behind my ears. She would never let me cut it, no matter how much I begged. "What is it?"

"We're moving, baby."

"To a new house?" That doesn't seem so bad, "Not exactly.."

"A flat?"

"The States, Ember. New York."

I'm confused. What? New York? "How far?" My mum frowned a bit, looking into my eyes. "We'll have to go on a plane." A plane? That means really far. I've never been on a plane, not even anywhere in the states. "But this is our home, why are we moving? This isn't fair. All my friends are here."

"I know, but Mommy got a really good job opportunity in New York. You'll have all the toys you could wish for, Em!" I shook her hand away as she reached for my cheek. "What about Harry?"

Hey eyebrows squished together, "Ember, you'll still be friends." She said, her voice getting higher. "Just won't see each other as much." I huffed air out of my lungs, "This is going to be good for us, baby." I looked up at her, trying to suck my tears back in my eyes. "Okay" I mumbled, "Okay?" My mum's smile grew, I always thought she looked so pretty like that. I nodded and smiled, but it wasn't genuine. Getting a kiss on my forehead she walked into the kitchen to get dinner ready, leaving me on the couch.


Turns out I'm moving on Saturday. It's Friday today, last day of school with Harry. I don't know how I'll ever be able to tell him, I don't think I can. My chest felt heavy as I waited outside for him. As he walked out of his door he smiled brightly and waved at me, his mom saying hi as well, "Hi Ember!"

"Hello, Anne!" I waved back, hugging Harry tightly as we came up to me. I don't usually say hi by hugging, but no words of protest came from him as he returned it. I wiped a tear from my eyes as we continued walking to school.

The whole school day I couldn't focus on any of our work, I just kept thinking about how I won't see Harry anymore. I know my mum said we'll still be friends, but you can't be friends with someone who lives across the world. When the bell rang, we walked out of the school doors once more, and it felt weird to be the only one who knows it was my last time.

As me and Harry walked side by side back home I stopped him. "Can we go the longer way today?" He nodded, and we walked through the park instead today. Past the playground, golf courses and sand play places. I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him towards a big Cherry Blossom tree, my favorites.

"What are we going, Ember?"

I fought back the tears, "Wanna play a game I came up with just now?" He nodded, dropping his backpack on the floor smiling. "What's it called?"

"Uhm I don't really have a name for it yet. But it's a promise."

"Okay, what is it?" He seemed confused, but went along with it. "Okay, here give me your ring finger." He brought up his hand, and I intertwined my ring finger with his own. "Do you, Harry Styles promise to forever be my friend?" He pushed his eyebrows together, "What do you mean? Of course I'll always be your friend."

"You have to promise Harry." I said, a tear fell down my cheek, another threatening to when Harry wiped that one away. "Why are you crying?" I took a breath and laughed, "I might not see you as much anymore"

"Are you going on Holiday?"

I smiled, "Something like that, can you please promise?" He nodded, "I, Harry Styles, Promise to be Ember Evergreens best friend forever and always." He beamed, and I couldn't help but do the same. "Okay, let's go home"

As we walked Harry talked about what he was going to do for Christmas with his family, and about how his sister Gemma was going to help him bake a cake for their mum this weekend. I did my best to hang on to every word he said, even if it was nonsense. I wanted to remember our last conversation.

As we turned the corner and arrived at our house I hugged him once more, feeling him laugh. "Don't stress, I'll see you after your Holiday. Where are you going?"

I sniffled and took a step back, "New York"

He smiled, "Why are you sad then, I heard it's a wonderful place! Come to dinner at mine after, yeah? See you when you come back" He smiled, turning around and walking into his home.

"Goodbye Harry."

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