chapter 58

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My eyes fluttered open, the space besides me filled with warmth. I turned over with a small groan, Harry was already awake as he smiled at me with hooded eyes, "Morning sleep beauty" I hummed and kissed his cheek, his dimpling accentuating it perfectly, I looked over and groaned when I saw I had to go to work in half an hour.

"Drive me to hell?" I asked, making Harry raise a brow. "Work"

"Ah, yes of course I'lol drive you" I smiled and patted his bare stomach, freezing when I looked at my hand, specifically my bare finger. I felt my stomach twist and turn when panic started to settle in, I stood up and walked around the bed, searching the floor and taking the covers off to try to search for the ring.

When I didn't find it I placed my hand over my mouth, shutting my mouth and running my other hand through my hair. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I look at Harry who has been watching this happen throughout the last 5 minutes, a look on his face I hadn't seen before. "What are you looking for Ember?" I took a deep breath and sighed, "My ring. The ring you gave me."

A normal person wouldn't freak out, a normal person would buy another ring and never think about it again. But this ring was important to me.

"Relax, I'm sure you left it downstairs or in the bath" He said, not seeming to affected by it. I pouted and walked towards him, jumping on the bed and onto his lap. I leaned forward and stared into his eyes, my own squinting slightly. "Why aren't you worried about this?" I asked, feeling suspicious about his behavior. He shrugged and put his hands in between his head and the headboard.

"I am, I'm just sure you'll find it eventually." I was about to argue when my phone went off, a text from Owen showing up.

From: Owen
Better see you at work today. You have to take a shift for Macy.

Okay, definitely wasn't a question, and I definitely need to find a better job.

To: Owen
Got it, I'll be there.

I shook it off, checking the room once more for the ring while Harry helped me look. I changed into my uniform and checked downstairs, my heart breaking when I couldn't find it anywhere.

I gave up and decided to look for it later, Harry coming downstairs with me to drive me to work. My leg continuously bounced up and down throughout the drive, my mind thinking of all the placed the ring could be. I chewed on my bottom lip, feeling the deep line in between my brows as Harry pulled into the parking lot. He rested his hand on my thigh and squeezed slightly, "Look at me Ember"

I turned my head to face him, my worry immediately melting as I saw his face. "Don't stress about it okay? I'll be here to pick you up and we can look for it together later, yeah?" I smiled softly and nodded, he leaned forward to kiss me softly, his hand tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear.

"I love you"

I rolled my eyes and kissed the tip of his nose, patting his cheek with my hand. "You should be more concerned about this. I love you" I stepped out of the car and looked back at him as I stepped inside, seeing him wave while twiddling his fingers.

He's up to something, I have a feeling.

I walked in saying hi to some of the regulars, going in back to clock in and feeling my phone buzz in my pocket.

From: Mom
Hi sweetheart! How's the apartment? Ready for you to cash in that rain check from dinner!

I bit my lip, my mom still not knowing I'm living with Harry. Guess this could be the perfect time to tell her? I quickly headed to the bathroom to make sure Owen wouldn't find me taking a personal call as I pressed the phone button on Harry's name.

He picked up after one ring, "Hey love, miss me already?" I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit, taking notice of the few voices in the back. "You know it, you with someone? Shit I didn't know you had any meetings today" I was about to say bye before he stopped me, "No no, just running some errands. What's up?"

I heard the little bit of amusement in his voice but couldn't make out why, "Uhm, well my mum just texted. Dinner?" He took a short breath, probably remembering how he ditched last time.

"Yeah, I need to make that up. When?" He asked, mumbling some words to what I assumed was a cashier, "Hmm well either tonight or tomorrow, if not I can-"

"Tonight. When you come home?"

"Yeah, are you sure it's not too short not-" he cut me off again, "No no Ember, I'll see you when you get home. Love you"

"Love you too" I said, hanging up.

Yup. He was definitely up to something.

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