chapter 16

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I wake up, feeling a warm presence behind me. Harry stayed the night. I smile as I wake up, rubbing the sleep off my eyes. Sitting up I look to my right, seeing him fast asleep, he looks so peaceful and calm. I brush some of the hair out of his face, the warmth in my chest erupting. I stand up, stretching and walking to my kitchen, starting the coffee.

As it brews I grab some eggs, turning the stove on and placing a pan on top, cracking the eggs on it.

Not much longer, the flat smells like eggs and bacon, which I had added. I hear some rustling behind me and turn around, seeing Harry sitting up and rubbing his face. "Morning Sleeping Beauty, made breakfast" A small smile appeared on his face as he saw me, laying back down and stretching his arms out, a big bear yawn escaping him.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop the smile from spreading on my face. I poured two cups of coffee and got the plates, bringing it to the table in front of the couch. "Smells good" He mumbled as I turned the tv on, "I know, you're not the only one who can cook Styles" I said shoving my shoulder into his playfully.

We sat in comfortable silence as we ate, sneaking small glances at each other.

"I'm leaving tomorrow" Harry says out of no where, making me pause. "Oh, when will you be back?"

He avoids my gaze, placing his silverware on the plate. "I'm not sure, probably not for a little while though"

I shook my head in confusion, "What are you talking about?" He turned around to face me, "Well my label told me start working on a new album, that's what I have to do. And I want to write it in London" I took a breath, I can't get mad at him, it's his job. But I was disappointed, I'm allowed to be a little disappointed right? "Oh, well okay" I say, grabbing our plates and bringing them to the kitchen, cleaning up.

"You're okay?" He asked, standing up. "Yeah" I said although my voice was a bit shrill. He walked next to me, holding my shoulder. "About last night,"

I shook my head, cutting him off "Don't even worry about it, you knew you were leaving tomorrow. Think of it as a goodbye present" I said, suddenly feeling bitter. I know it wasn't my place, it's not like he owed me anything. I just feel a bit sad, that's okay.

"Right well.. I've got to go pack." He said, the air turning weird again. This day started amazing, how did it change so fast? "I'll call you"

I nodded, not looking at him as he closed the door behind him, leaving. "Fuck" I mumbled under my breath, standing over the dishes in the sink hanging my head down. I heard a small plop as a tear fell down my cheek, into a cup filled with water. I shook my head, looking up at the ceiling closing my eyes and taking deep breaths.

I grab my phone, texting Harry.

To: Harry
Sorry I was being bitchy just now, wasn't my place. Just didn't want you to leave so soon again you know?

I bit my lip as I sent the message, eagerly sitting down on my bed waiting for him to reply. It took him 5 minutes.

From: Harry
You don't have to apologize, I should have told you. I'd love for you to come visit.

Before I answered I went online, searching up "New York to London flight" getting frustrated when I saw the price of 500 dollars at least. I'm so sick of money being such a problem.

To: Harry
I would have to save up..

I sent it, laying down in my bed under the covers.

From: Harry
What are you talking about? I'd fly you over here

I sat back up, furrowing my brows as I quickly typed my reply

To: Harry
I couldn't ask you to do that Harry

From: Harry
It's the least I could do, come on let me pay for you flight. The hotel too.

To: Harry
No. I'm paying for the Hotel

From: Harry
So you'll let me pay for the flight??

I paused, biting my lip. Could I really afford to spend time in London with Harry?

To: Harry
For how long?

From: Harry
A week at least, my mum wants to see you!

He told Anne about me?

To: Harry
Very funny, does she even remember me?

From: Harry
Of course, I told her we met again

To: Harry
Wow really? Okay... when?

From: Harry
Next week. I need to see you again soon.

I felt a small smile show up on my face, I quickly called Owen. "Yello?" His voice popped up, "Hi Owen- it's Ember. From work"


"Uhm I was wondering if I could get next week off? I have a bunch of vacation days saved up"

I heard a groan on the other side, he never had any problem giving the guys at work weeks off at a time. "I don't know, we might need you" I rolled my eyes, pacing around my apartment "Come on Owen, I never ask for anything ever, never a raise or paid absences. I deserve this vacation"

There was a long pause on the other side of the phone, "Fine. But your working the opening shift for the next week.

"Yes yes I will, thank you" I hung up, texting Harry right away.

To: Harry
Boss said it was fine, and you're sure about this?

From: Harry
Of course, see you soon Em

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