chapter 81

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How fast Harry got in the car and drove off could be a work record, I could feel his anxiousness to arrive home. I chuckled and crossed my legs in attempt to help the throbbing between them, looking back at the ring on my finger and feeling that familiar feeling in my chest.

Still hasn't really sunken in that we're going to get married, or where we're going to do it, or who we're going to invite. But that's the fun thing about engagement, you get to figure all that stuff out with the person you love. And that's person is Harry.

Speaking of Harry, he pulled into our parking spot and jumped out of the car, running around to open the car door for me. I didn't get a chance to step out when he picked me up bridal style and shut the door with his foot as he turned around, a loud beeping sound coming from it as he locked it with his keys.

I let out a short shriek as he picked me up, spinning me as we both laughed and he walked us inside. I wasn't super familiar with his London home, but I don't think I'll have time to look around just yet. He quickly brought me towards the bedroom, closing the door behind him and placing me on the floor.

His lips pressed against mine but I placed my hand on his chest and pulled him back, he looked confused for a second. "Is everything okay? Do you want to stop?"

My heart warmed at his concern but I shook my head with a smile, "No, I want you to lay down on the bed with your hands behind your back." His eyes glistened and he rushed to the bed, a small pep in his step as he did. I watched as he followed my instructions, taking off his shirt before sitting down, resting his back against the headboard and spreading his legs a bit.

I kneeled between them and looked down at him, enjoying this point of view very much. I rested my hands on his pecs and placed a kiss in the middle of them, looking up at him. "Can you do me a favor, Harry?"

He answered before I could even finish my question, "Yes"

"Eager are we?" I chuckled, raising a brow as he nodded, completely shameless. "Good, keep your hands behind your back and don't touch me until I allow you to. Understand?" He opened his eyes and furrowed his brows, about to protest when I gave him a look and he agreed.

What a pretty submissive he is.

"Great, now tell me which one you like more. One..." I said, licking the tip of his hard bud on his left nipple with the tip of my tongue and then moving back. "Or two..." I moved to his left and instead of the short tease I pressed a small kiss just beside it, then wrapped my lips around it and sucked slightly, his chest going up and down as his breathing picked up.

"T-Two" Harry said, his voice quiet as I hummed approvingly.

"Good boy. Now, one.." I moved down and unbuttoned his pants, looking at him before I did and continuing as he nodded. I pulled them down and threw them to the floor, not having a use for them as I leaned down again. I pressed a kiss on the left side of his hip bone, sucking softly then moving back.

"Or two.."

I moved to the other side and did the same thing, the tip of my tongue teasing him ever so slightly. "Two" He said after a second of thought.

His eyes were shut and I moved the band of his boxers down, his member erect as it rested on his stomach. I leaned down and pressed a kiss on one side of his long cock.

"One" He yelled out, his voice straining but no hesitation to it. I moved back and couldn't help the smile that appeared in my face, "Are you sure? You don't even know what two is yet" His breathing stopped as he contemplated his decision, opening his eyes and looking at me and then shaking his head.

"I want to know what two is... please." The desperation and whine in his voice could make any woman weak in the knees, "Well, only since you asked so nicely."

I kept my eyes on his as I moved down again and instead of a short kiss I wrapped my lips around his head, my tongue swirling around it and in between the slit as Harry's lips parted with a loud groan and his eyes rolled back as his head did. He thrusted his hips up slightly and held my hair away from my face, and as soon as he did I pulled away, a string of saliva hung from my lips as I wiped it away with my thumb, Harry eyes growing wide as he looked back up at me.

"Shit- I'm sorry I didn't mean to. Please keep going, you feel so good, I need you so bad please Ember" God his pleading made me almost feel bad for this next part, almost.

I shook my head tilted my head to the side, "No no Harry, I told you not to touch me until I allowed you to. You broke the rules, you know what happens now?" He shook his head as his stomach muscles tensed, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his in a small peck.

"You get punished."

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