chapter 30

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Ember's POV


I flutter my eyes open, hearing a small ringing in my ears. I look to my left to see Harry behind me, sleeping peacefully, it's still light outside. I grab my phone to check the time to see someone calling, that's what the ringing was. It was my mum, I picked it up "Hey mum, how are you?" My voice was a bit strained, how long had I been asleep for?

There was some shuffling behind me, when I turned around I saw Harry stretching out his arms, rubbing his eyes and turning towards me, a sleepy smile on his face. "Morning" he said, his voice low and raspy sending tingles down my spin.

"Morning" I said back, smiling and feeling the heat rush to my cheeks as he lifted his hand and placed it on my hip, squeezing playfully. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me when he pulled me towards him, making me lay down my chest to his back. He smother me in kisses, from the lobe of my ear to my shoulders, making me laugh and try to escape his hold.

"Ember? Hello?" I froze, remembering I was on the phone with my mum, "Shit, hold on" I mumbled, grabbing my phone from the bed hearing Harry laugh quietly, making me shush him. "Sorry mum, I'm here, what'd you need?"

I heard the playful and teasing tone of her voice as she spoke, "Well i was just wondering how London is love, sounds like it's pretty interesting" I groaned slightly as I laid back down, feeling Harry put his arm around my waist, nuzzling his nose into my neck making my cheeks heat up. "Uhm- yeah it's- it's pretty nice here. Miss you though" I said, finding it hard to focus as Harry pressed teasing kisses against my neck.

"How's Harry?" I could already hear the conversation when I get back home from a mile away, "He's good"

"Are you with him?"

"Yup" I felt Harry's lips form a smile against my neck at the mention of him, pressing another soft kiss against me. "Let me speak to him" I tensed a bit but nodded, handing the phone to Harry who took it happily, "Hello Ms. Evergreen" I sat up as he did, nodding along to the phone as my mum was speaking.

I couldn't hear what she was saying, which only made me more nervous. "Yeah, I will thank you. Sounds like a plan, bye" My eyes shot up, seeing Harry had hung up "Wh- you hung up?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "She said she had to go" I frowned, "What do you guys talk about?" A sly smile formed on Harry's lips, leaning forward on his hands and pressed his lips softly against mine. "What time is it?" he mumbled as I checked my phone and looked back up at him, "3:48"

"We still have time then"

"Time for what?"

"For this," he kissed my lips, pulling back. "And this" he said, kissing my lips harder this time, gently laying me down and moving to in between my legs.

He leaned down but didn't move, our faces only inches apart. "This is okay right?" My brain was so scrambled of all the attention I was receiving from Harry, not being able to understand anything. "What do you mean?"

He rested his body against mine, moving some hair out of my face. "All of this" He said, connecting our lips and inviting his tongue in, groaning slightly as I bit his lip when he pulled back. "This is most definitely okay Harry." I said, wanting to hide the prominent blush on my cheeks. He smiled brightly above me, "Okay."

As he kissed me again, my mind went to work. I always hated how my thoughts were wide awake when I didn't want them to be, bringing the worst thoughts at the worst times.

I keep thinking to myself, wondering if we're 'exclusive' or if he's doing this with other people too. The thought made me sick to my stomach, another person in the same position as me right now. Harry pulled back, "Everything okay?"

I opened my eyes, confused to why he stopped. "You seem distracted" he said seeming to read my thoughts. How do I ease into this subject? I don't want to scare him away...

"Ember" Harry said, pushing me into talking. He sat up and grabbed my arms, pulling me up, "What's going on in there?" he said, pressing a small kiss to my forehead, that staticky feeling coming back to haunt me.

"Nothing" I lied, Harry seeing right through it. He sighed and shook his head "I know it's not nothing Love, talk to me" The feeling in my chest only grew, mixed with a weird pressure and butterflies, my own body continued before my brain could process it.

"Are you doing this with other people too?"

God I sounded like a jealous one night stand. Harry creased his brows together for a second, "What do you mean?" I put my hands over my face, embarrassed at how vulnerable I felt right at this moment.

I hated constantly needing reassurance, fearing that someone better will come along and sweep him away.

"It's just- I really like what we're doing right now you know?" Harry hummed a yes, waiting for me to elaborate. Alicia popped into my head, and as much as I wanted to fight it, I thought what if he's with her as well? It's not like me and Harry have slept together or been very physical, just kissing here and there. But that's a lot for me, what we're doing is more intimate than sex.

At least I feel like that.

God I wish I could just know what he was thinking.

"It's okay if you are but- uhm- are you doing this with anyone else?" I squeezed my eyes together, cringing out how stupid I sounded. Harry laughed in front of me, making me open my eyes again in confusion. "Ember" he said, sounding like I was a kid who asked a stupid question that had a super simple answer.

"Look at me Ember" He said, lifting my head with his pointer and thumb, "I'm not with anyone else. I like you, I thought I would have made it obvious by now" he said, playing with the ring on my finger.

Right. I probably look so stupid right now.


"You don't have to apologize, I'm just glad we're on the same page now" He said, kissing my lips again, this time I followed his lead, smiling into the kiss.

I wanted to show him how much he meant to me, even if I didn't know myself. I pushed him backwards by placing my hand on his chest, his eyebrows shooting up. I moved my legs, straddling him as he laid down, hovering my hips over his.

He let out a small moan as I pressed my hips down, letting out a small whine as I felt a hard bulge against my core.

He thrusted his hips up slightly, as if to check for my reaction, continuing as a whimper left my lips. "God Ember, what are you doing to me?" He whispered, saying exactly what I was thinking.

He placed his hands on my hips, encouraging me to move a bit. I followed his lead and rolled my hips against this, letting out a sigh as he moved down and started to suck where my jaw and neck met.


I hummed a response, my skin feeling like fire.

"Let me make you feel good"

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