chapter 5

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As we sat down on the couch it still felt as if this was a dream, a fucked up, heart wrenching dream. I rubbed my face with my hands, looking back at him to see him already staring at me.

"So how are you-"

"Did you stay in Lo-"

We interrupted each other, the air suddenly thick. "Sorry, you first" He said, I cleared my throat, "How long did you stay in London?"

"I still mostly live in London, just leave for work and tours." I nod, refusing to meet his eyes. Which would have been a good plan, until he held my chin up with his pointer finger and thumb, "Ember, don't feel guilty. You're not the one who chose to move, you had no say. We were 10." He said with a smile, but there was still a tinge of sadness behind his eyes. I shook my head, leaning into his hand as he cupped my face, "I still lied to you, I should have told you what was happening. Or at least send a fucking letter." I closed my eyes, taking a breath to compose myself.

"Hey, look at me" I did, "What you did, saying you were going on Holiday. It was smart, easy way to say goodbye without actually saying good bye. Made it a bit easier."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes playfully "Easier? You were expecting me home."

"I know. I mean you might find this hard to believe, but I was smart enough to figure out you weren't coming back after a while." He smiled, putting his hand down as I leaned against the back of the couch, "Yeah right, you copied off my math home work for years" I smiled.

"Oi, math was never my thing. Doesn't mean I wasn't smart."

I rolled my eyes again, feeling safe with him. I pointed to the door, "Mr. Styles, huh?" I said with a mocking voice as Harry pushed my shoulder slightly. "Yeah, last name basis here, Evergreen."

"How long are you staying in New York for?" I asked, my hoped starting to skyrocket. "Another day or two, why?" Hopes that now were crushed, there's no way he'll want to spend his only days in New York with me. "Never mind" I laughed it off, playing with a string of my shirt, "Ember, come on"

"Fine fine, I was just wondering that if you were here for a while, I could show you around? But forget it, you're probably jet lagged and-"

"I'd love to"

I looked up, seeing him smile, it seemed like he genuinely meant it. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to waste your time." He only shook his head, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and handing it to me, it was opened in contacts. "Harry Styles giving me his phone? I must be crazy!" I mocked, typing in my number as I heard him chuckle. I gave it back to him, hearing a knock on the door.

We both turned around to see the one and only Chelsea standing in front of us, of course he had no idea who she is. I expected him to call security, or just freak the fuck out, but he didn't really react. "Hello love, you lost?" He asked with his brows furrowed, "Oh my god, this is crazy!" Chelsea yelled, pulling out her phone, "Can I get a picture? No one would ever believe me"

"Chelsea, what are you doing?" Harry looked at me, "Oh you know her?" I nodded, sending him a tight lipped smile. "Well any friend of Em is a friend of mine! Course I'll take a picture with you." He stood up, walking to Chelsea who probably just pissed her pants, smiling for a picture.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god" she repeated under her breath. "Chelsea, please. Calm down." I said, but I couldn't fight the smile off my face. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Chelsea." He said, making her eyes go wide. "Oh my god you know my name"

Harry continued to smile but his face faltered a bit as he pointed to me, "Yeah she jus- never mind. I do have to go now, I'll see you tomorrow Ember?" He asked looking at me while I nodded and stood up, walking to give him a quick hug.

He didn't let go until I did.

I said a small goodbye and we left, Chelsea not saying a word until we go to the car. As she closed the door on the passenger side I looked at her, expecting her to yell or freak out, just anything. "You okay?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, a small smile lingering on my lips.

She looked back at me, a huge smile growing on her face. "This is getting weird" I mumbled as I stuck the key in the ignition. "I can't believe I just met the Harry Styl- wait did he say he was going to see you tomorrow?" Chelsea unbuckled her seatbelt moving the stick to park as I moved out of the parking lot. Resulting in multiple cars honking, "Chelsea! What the hell?" I yelled, starting the car again and driving.

"Well? Did I hear him right or not??"

"Yea, I'm meeting him tomorrow to show him around and go for coffee maybe, gave him my number earlier"

"Oh my god" she said under her breath.

"Oh my god!" She yelled louder, slapping her hand over her mouth. "Stop!" I yelled, laughing at her. "You need to calm down okay! You are a literal lunatic"

"I am not" she said with fake offense, "I'm just scared you're going to embarrass yourself, what if the paps show up?"

I slowed down at the red light, facing her, "Paps?" Chelsea rolled her eyes as if it were obvious, "Paparazzi, if they find you major rumors will fly around."


"Dating rumors"

"But we're not dating"

"The paps won't care, they just need to sell the pictures." she stated, making my stomach feel weird again. "You think they'll show up?"

"Probably, he's like super famous" she said, pulling a flask out of her bag and taking a sip, offering me some. "I'm driving" i say, earning a shrug from her as she drowns the rest of it. As I pulled in at her house to drop her off she stopped before looking at me, "I'm coming over tomorrow to help you get ready okay?"

"What? No I'll be fine"

She smiled, looking at me, "I have a plan, see you then" She said giving me a kiss on the cheek and waving goodbye.

I sighed and drove to my apartment, walking up the stairs and heading inside when my phone went off. I opened it while locking the door behind me,

From: Unknown
Hey Em, where are we meeting tomorrow?

I smiled, hopping on my bed and taking my shoes off as I replied.

To: Harry
My work place? We can get some coffee before we go, I'll send you the address :)

From: Harry
Perfect, see you then.

The smile on my face grew bigger by the second, my stomach doing flips again.

"See you then Harry"

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